First integrated DX10 mainboard based on Intel G35 chipset - ASUS P5E-VM HDMI


First integrated DX10 mainboard based on Intel G35 chipset - ASUS P5E-VM HDMI

This board is based on Intel G35 chipset, the first chipset to support DX10 integrated graphics.

For more pictures and specifications, please refer to this --> Aqui


Fonte: Aqui
"jogue crysis em ultra high com uns fantásticos 0.5fps"

desculpem mas é o que me faz pensar... :)
de resto até sou adepto de gráficas integradas, para trabalhar chega e sobra, faz menos barulho e consome menos ;)
0.5 ?
Não estás a ser optimista demais ?
Cá para mim já tem sorte se chegar aos 0.1, ou seja, 1 frame diferente a cada dez segundos de... "jogo". :D
Olha que jogo crysis de x1300 pro :D

Se bem que o dx 10 pode dar jeito em outras coisas que não jogos... Este IGP lida bem com codecs HD, por exemplo?
Olha que jogo crysis de x1300 pro :D

Se bem que o dx 10 pode dar jeito em outras coisas que não jogos... Este IGP lida bem com codecs HD, por exemplo?

Sim, mas isso não tem nada a ver com o DX10.
Este G35 usa basicamente uma versão ligeiramente modificada do X3100 presente em muitos PC's desktop e portáteis.
Mas, ao contrário do que acontece até nos IGP's da Nvidia ou da ATI (já nem falo de placas gráficas dedicadas...), quando se está a usar a capacidade de decoding de vídeo (que não funciona correctamente em vídeos HD, BTW), parte dos (8 na X3100, 10 no G35/X3400) shaders unificados (ALU's) são desviados do rendering de gráficos/desktop para essas tarefas, não tem hardware dedicado (a Intel chama-lhe "Clearvideo").
então dá aí uns quantos usos reais do dx10 para um utilizador de gráficas integradas :P isto de vir atirar coisas pro ar e não dizer nada de informativo é muito foleiro :D

lol sabes muito bem que nao sou assim.. mas o que quero dizer é que estes IGPs não trazem só o "bonus" de ser DX10.. por exemplo as HD2400 são dx10 mas o seu ponto forte é o decoding de video..

nao é o caso destas claro.. mas por exemplo o desenvolvimento e a utilização de plugin em certas aplicações multimédia que façam uso do DX10.. claro que isto não é usual.. mas existem plugins do Photoshop que usam DX.. apesar que com DX10 devem ser raras..

o facto de que o Windows Vista conseguir usar o IGP para processamento do Desktop, ficando assim o CPU mais livre..

Outros dados
Direct3D 10

To fully realize the potential of the new Windows Vista driver model and next-generation hardware, an entirely new version of the Direct3D API has been created. While WDDM eliminates some of the limitations on performance in the existing graphics system, Direct3D 10 goes further by removing design bottlenecks in the existing Direct3D API and greatly simplifies the task of programming the GPU.
The new API completely eliminates all but a few fixed-function aspects, replacing them with programmable constructs and greatly streamlining the internal implementation. The hundreds of capability bits in previous versions of Direct3D have been completely eliminated and replaced with a well-defined, inclusive set of functionality that has only a few optional usage scenarios for specific resource formats. CPU-intensive resource creation and validation now have explicit semantics in the new API, allowing for much more predictable performance behavior and greatly reduced per-draw overhead. Resources can be reconfigured into multiple forms to allow efficient use at various stages, and the feature set imposes far fewer restrictions on usage scenarios for formats. There area also new block-compressed normal-map texture formats.
In the new API, shader constants and device state are explicit resources, allowing for far more efficient caching on the hardware and greatly simplified driver validation. The programmable shader model has been unified across both vertex and pixel shaders, and made more expressive with a well-defined computational model and operator set. Also, a new geometry shader stage has been added to operate on primitives after the vertex shader stage. The results of the GPU’s work in the vertex and geometry shader stages of the pipeline can be streamed out to video RAM for reuse, allowing for the possibility of extremely complex multi-pass GPU operations with minimal CPU interaction.
All of these enhancements enable next-generation graphics technology and expand the ability of applications to off-load work to the GPU. Offloading allows more complex GPU-based character skinning, accelerated morphing techniques, shadow volume generation and extrusion, particle and physics systems that are entirely GPU-based, more complex materials combined into efficient large-draw batches, procedural detailing, real-time ray-traced displacement mapping, single-pass cube-map generation, and many more techniques — all while freeing up CPU resources for more complex applications.
To provide this level of innovation in Direct3D 10, older hardware cannot be expressed as a partial implementation of a new interface. A video card is either capable of supporting all of the new features, or it’s not a Direct3D 10–capable card. Therefore, while Direct3D 9 could drive DirectX7-era hardware with many missing capability bits and usage limitations, Direct3D 10 only works on a new generation of video cards. For an application to support older video hardware, it must also support the Direct3D 9 interfaces. Future versions of Direct3D will build on version 10, extending it to new versions of the API while ensuring a strict superset of Direct3D 10 functionality.
For more information about Direct3D 10, see the DirectX SDK documentation for DirectX 10.