PS3 Heavy Rain (Quantic Dream)


What is folding?
Heavy Rain

Sony has a number of PlayStation 3 games on display at its E3 2006 booth, one of which is the forthcoming adventure title Heavy Rain. Unfortunately the game isn't playable as it really just serves as a tech demo for the game's rather impressive graphics engine, but it's certainly interesting to see, even if its content lies outside of the scope of the game.

The demo opens with the female protagonist in a nearly empty white room, talking to the camera. She's come for an audition it seems, and begins by talking to the unseen director for a bit. The sound was muted for the demo so we're unsure of what she was talking about, but that wasn't really the point anyway. You can immediately see the immense detail that has gone into the game's facial animation system. As she spoke, every muscle in her face would move naturally - as she smiled, the edges of her eyes closed a tad. When her eyes raised, her brow would crinkle. The way her eyes danced around the room as she spoke was scarily realistic.

A clapboard then appears before the camera to mark the start of the audition take, closes shut and pans away to reveal a full kitchen setup. A sink is behind her, a kitchen table to her right. The objects in the room are rendered with effects that you'd normally only see come out of a CG rendering. Glass both reflects and refracts, knives shine, book covers are rendered with pro-pixel leatherization diffusion and everything is light very smoothly. You need only look at the screenshots to see what we mean.

As the scene goes on, the actress' demeanor gets much more somber, and a tad bit of hatred and possible jealousy begins to creep into her eyes. It's rather amazing that these sorts of emotions are conveyed as well as they are. Soon she gets up and walks over to the sink, and as she turns around she has a revolver in her hand. As she talks, she puts the gun to her head. A few seconds later, she seems to rethink that and lowers it, seemingly speaking in a somewhat confused manner with a hint of disbelief. Again, though we couldn't actually hear what she was saying, these subtleties come through simply from visuals alone. A few seconds later, she points the gun towards the camera, says something and pulls the trigger. A white flash is seen and then we're back in the empty room again.

The actress carries on a bit more conversation with the director after the scene finishes, immediately returning to good spirits. Soon thereafter, the demo fades to black. Even though we couldn't hear one syllable come from her mouth, this is a seriously impressive demo.


Por acaso não cheguei a experimentar o Fahrenheit, mas li muita coisa boa acerca dele. Este jogo certamente vai conseguir elevar este género a outros patamares ;)

Deixo aqui o link para uma entrevista com o Guillaume de Fondaumière (co-fundador da Quantic Dream):

Algumas informações divulgadas recentemente (na revista alemã CHIEF):

On Locations:
"I don't want to do a big free-roaming city like GTA, because the flow of the story will then be hard to control. Nevertheless, I do want to incorporate big sets, with a crowd, heavy populated areas like a mall and a subway are going to be in there. Of course, the gameplay has got to make use of that aspect too."

On Graphics:

"People will be surprised. Internal (Sony's) feedback on graphics has been great. This is going to be a truly next-gen game. But still, we want to do something unique with the graphics, going beyond just making the most photorealistic world we can."

On Gameplay:
"With the release of Fahrenheit, we gave the adventure genre a new grammar. We brought new ways into the genre, new words if you want to see it like that, a new vocabulaire. With Heavy Rain, where going to expand on that same grammar."

On Story:
"Heavy Rain is about normal people that have landed in extraordinary situations. I wanted a much more personal story. The first thing that came to my mind, as a father of two little boys, was that the main theme should simply be a father's love for his son. This is not a game about saving the princess or the world. Its purely about a father's love."
"The main story will revolve around 4 different characters, and we're putting the spotlight on their perceptions. The question 'what is good and what is evil' is the key here, that will be just a matter of viewpoint...I believe heavily in moral choices, I'm going to use them A LOT. They're not about being good or bad, but about finding the right balance."
So far, so good. Thanks to Saimon for all the hard work on this one.

Fonte: Kotaku

Cumps ;)
Por acaso não cheguei a experimentar o Fahrenheit, mas li muita coisa boa acerca dele. Este jogo certamente vai conseguir elevar este género a outros patamares ;)

Deixo aqui o link para uma entrevista com o Guillaume de Fondaumière (co-fundador da Quantic Dream):

Algumas informações divulgadas recentemente (na revista alemã CHIEF):

Cumps ;)

Se não te importares vou colocar isso no tópico ok?

Se não te importares vou colocar isso no tópico ok?


É na boa, estás à vontade ;)

Fizeste mal o jogo é bastante bom uma experiência e pêras, isto claro na minha opinião, embora o enredo podesse estar bem melhor.

Quanto a este vindo de quem vem espero coisas boas :D

Por acaso tenho-o aqui para PC. Um dia destes ainda me dá na "telha" e experimento, as boas opiniões vão-se acumulando (tua incluída hehe) :)
já lá vai o tempo em que estas imagens eram extremamente espectaculares :\

Tendo em conta o tipo de jogo que será, para mim isso será o menos importante, não deixando, no entanto, de ser um aspecto relevante.

Por acaso tenho-o aqui para PC. Um dia destes ainda me dá na "telha" e experimento, as boas opiniões vão-se acumulando (tua incluída hehe)

Se o tens, já o devias era ter instalado... ontem :D
este poderá ser umas das maiores surpresas como das maiores desilusões... parece q tecnicamente é simplesmente genial (mas ainda ñ se viu nda de concreto) e a historia pode vir a ser muito interessante!!

Vou seguir este de perto...

New Heavy Rain Images Pour In

The upcoming PlayStation 3 game Heavy Rain from acclaimed Fahrenheit and Omikron developers Quantic Dream, has been hidden from public eyes since 2006’s concept video. Since then we’ve only had glimpses of impressive facial close ups, but now we can bring you a little bit more…

…A zoomed out view of what looks like a new character in Heavy Rain, and new supposed gameplay shots of a motorbiker. The visuals are certainly impressive and suggest the French developer might just succeed in their goal to create expressive and emotional videogame characters.

Quantic Dream are aiming to bring PS3 owners something new and exciting, by furthering the story and emotions of the characters during gameplay. There are few details of what this gameplay will consist off, but consider us intrigued. Check out the images in our gallery and if they don’t wow you, they certainly will in movement.









Falta pouco para a GC :D

Melhor modelo facial que vi até hoje!

Mapeamento de Textura - Check!
Malha da Cabeça - Ultra Check com tantos poligonos!
Olhos Crediveis e Vivos - Ôdasse, muitos designer desesperem para atingir essa qualidade...
Cabelo - ainda sobrou uns vértices para calcular alguns fios....soberbo!

Melhor modelo facial que vi até hoje!

Mapeamento de Textura - Check!
Malha da Cabeça - Ultra Check com tantos poligonos!
Olhos Crediveis e Vivos - Ôdasse, muitos designer desesperem para atingir essa qualidade...
Cabelo - ainda sobrou uns vértices para calcular alguns fios....soberbo!

Oh por favor! :D Tão e o trabalhinho de shaders? Não tá nada de se deitar fora :D Aquelas gotas na cara :wow: