[Tutorial] Jogar com o controller PS3 "sixaxis" no PC!


É provavel que não seja novidade para muitos, mas acredito que alguns ficarão espantados ao saber que da para usar o comando da PS3 para jogar jogos no windows XP ( eu fiquei ).

Eu vou explicar como fazer:

1- Sacar as drivers para o vosso computador reconhecer o seu controller "sixaxis": AQUI

1.1- uma vez o download acabado, extraiem o conteudo numa pasta ( lembram-se dela pois vão precisar)

1.2- instalem o ficheiro " libusb-win32-filter-bin-" ( não ligar o comando a porta USB do seu computador para já)

1.3- Conectam o vosso controler na porta USB ( sem clicar no botão "PS")Agora executem o ficheiro " ps3sixaxis_en" e de seguida cliquem no botão "PS".

1.4- Vamos certificar-nos que o seu computador esta a receber sinale do seu controller, para isso vamos para: menu iniciar > Painel de controlo > ( vista classica) ]controladores de jogos > Playstation (R3) controller > propriedades, e deveriam ficar com uma janela deste genero :


estou agora a pressionar o R1 e L1 e como podem ver na foto o "11" e o "12" estão illuminados, confirmando assim que o computador recebe sinal do seu controlador "sixaxis"

2- agora é so jogar hehe.

PS: cada vez que forem jogar, não se esqueçam de desligar a consola e de executar o ficheiro "ps3sixaxis_en".
Última edição:
o problema é que não da para configurar os butoes, no devil may cry 4 estão todos trocados e não me deixa configurar a estrela circulo triangulo e quadrado
o problema é que não da para configurar os butoes, no devil may cry 4 estão todos trocados e não me deixa configurar a estrela circulo triangulo e quadrado

não sei no devil may cry 4, mas em todos os jogos que tenho para PC ate agora deu para configurar os butões, ate o antigo "super mario bros" da para jogar lol
nao sabia que dava para fazer isso. obrigado :007: esquecime que o sixaxis tambem tem um cabo usb.
melhor assim, ja posso arrumar o comando da ps2 :P

e o sensor de movimentos funciona?
pesquisei um bucadinho e encontrei isso num forum.

with some help, i got the sixaxis to connect to windows using bluetooth.
HOWEVER this diver is for USB, not bluetooth, so it pretty much does the same thing as it did before this driver was released...(ie; nothing) untill *someone writes one (ahem.. K1)

There is a video of this here http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=tqQ03uO1NGo
And here http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=f-lQZzEznIM

The first person who did this is in Belgium and only speaks French. (I cannot understand French). But if you want to see what he wrote about this, it is all here:

the important parts are translated into English here:


The English here is not so great, so I can help clarify if you want. Most importantly, I’ve figured out on my own, that you don’t need to boot into Linux to change the MAC in the sixaxis, it can be done in windows with GlovePIE. http://carl.kenner.googlepages.com/glovepie

[march 16th edit: the above person said that we needed the widcomm driver at the same time, following the instructions below, you don't need it, bluesoleil alone works just fine)

so without further adu.. here is what to do!

1st, get GlovePIE and give the sixaxis your mac
(see documentation.rtf for how to do that)
don't forget that you might need to press the PS button the first time you run a script that uses the sixaxis

IVT_BlueSoleil_v5.0.5_Build_178.zip (try google)
(i had to add a hack because my MSI starkey isn't supported, but it works fine with the hack)
info on hack here: [URL="http://www.wiili.org/forum/bluesoleil-solution-for-not-supported-adapters-t794.html[/url]"]http://www.wiili.org/forum/bluesoleil-solution-for-not-supported-adapters-t794.html[/URL]

plugged in bluetooth adapter and made bluesoleil install it (ignoring windows new hardware window)

**edit, i made these instructions more clear so it works every time**

1)[discover controller] open bluetooth places, and make sure classic window is closed (if its open, this never works, but if closed, always works) press the PS button the sixaxis, then search devices. wait for it to finish
nothing new will show up in bluetooth places, but when you open classic view, you'll see a new HID device with only a mac address

2) [install controller] after pressing the PS button again, right click on the new HID device and click "search services" at first, it may fail, just try again while the lights are flashing on the sixaxis. you'll know its worked when the mac address changes to the name of the device. at this point, it will also show up in bluetooth places. but you are not done yet
3)[initialise connection] with the lights still flashing (press PS again if they stopped) right click on the new controller icon in the classic view and click connect, it should fail right away (immediate), it if takes a while to fail (about 2 seconds), it might be a timeout, so try again (while the lights are still flashing on the controller).. you can do this as many times as you want, but its important to do it once. (it will not connect at this point)

4)[restart bluetooth] right click on the tray icon and turn off your bluetooth, (for me i waited untill the windows made the ejection sound) then turn it back on again, (if you are using a USB dongle like me, you don't actually have to remove it from the computer)
you don't need any bluetooth windows open at this point, once the adapter is back on again, press the PS button on the sixaxis and it will connect right away (tray icon will turn green)
you can also view the properties in bluetooth places and see how strong the signal is, (my bluesoleil was patched, so it may have something to do with not seeing any packets being counted)

once this has been connected once, it will re-connect automatically every time after restarting the bluetooth fresh
(also, i did a little experiement just now, i went into the task manager and killed btstackserver while the bluetooth service was stopped, i then restarted the bluetooth, and pressed the PS button on sixiaxis, and hey, it connected!.. i wonder what would happen if i uninstalled the widcomm stuff all together.. perhaps some other time)

so yeah, we need a driver or something to get this working..
also, if you are interested in accelerometer and gyro data, use glovepie, its great.


não sei se funciona mesmo pois não estou em casa de momento, mas mal chego a casa dou uma espreitadela naquilo ;)