PlayStation [PS3] Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (Ubisoft)


Power Member

As expected, Ubisoft has officially unveiled that Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is in development at Ubisoft’s Paris studio and is scheduled to be released worldwide Holiday 2010. It will have single player. It will have multiplayer. It will be all “future-y”. That’s really all we know about the game right now. Check out the description below:Created by the award-winning team behind Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighterand Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, the game will feature cutting-edge technology, prototype high-tech weaponry, and state-of-the-art single-player and multiplayer modes. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will go beyond the core Ghost Recon franchise and deliver a fresh gameplay experience, with an unparalleled level of quality that will excite long-time fans and newcomers alike.
Additionally, for those looking to see the future a bit early, Ubisoft is offering the chance to be the first to play the Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier’s Multiplayer Beta this summer to those that purchase Splinter Cell Conviction for the 360, which releases on April 16, 2010…Because waiting FOREVER to play that game needs to be rewarded…
Ubisoft's freshly-unveiled Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will also appear on PC and PS3.
Both console versions will launch simultaneously, tweeted Ubisoft's Kimi Matsuzaki this afternoon.
Fellow community bod Aymeric Evennou added: "To those who wondered, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will also release on PS3: same experience, same development team and same release date."

Debut Trailer

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Ghost Recon: Future Soldier First Details

First up there are four classes of soldiers you can play as Commando, Engineer, Recon and Sniper. Each one will have their own specialities and weapons, you can get a good idea of what they are in the above video. Commando’s have heavy hitting weapons like seeking missiles, Engineers get control of that cool looking combat drone, Recon get’s a cloak and the Sniper gets assistance in finding long distance targets.

Regardless of the class you chose you’ll be sporting the latest in exo-skeleton suits, this allows you to carry more weight (read weapons and ammo) yet still manage to sprint and jump over obstacles. There will also be hand-to-hand combat in the game in the fighting form of Israeli "Krav Maga" which will be used for instant kills and the like.

There is drop in/drop out co-op for the main campaign and a standard 8 vs. 8 online match play with capture-the-flag and domination modes. Multiplayer gets a bit of a tweak too, allowing you to have outer body experiences to visit your other teammates and check on their position to provide up-to date tactical information. You’ll want to stay close to your teammates too though, as their abilities will also affect near-by friendly units. As seen in the video above the Recon cloak will work for everybody provided they’re in close proximity. Also if you’re fed up with playing a human you can take control of the combat drone if you so wish.

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will be out sometime in the future (okay later this year, release date still unconfirmed) for the PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable.

Última edição:
Pensava que a saga estava "em descanso"...
Ainda bem que pode haver mais títulos na corrida dos prémios do gamming em geral.
ca o espero anciosamente,quando sair a beta(abril) tiro logo as duvidas todas,mas para ja o que vi e tenho tado a ler no forum oficial,vai ser o meu vicio durante muito tempo sem qualquer tipo de duvida....
se a ubisoft/comunidade apostar no jogo pois eu tambem vou apostar ;)
1 TPS militar em condiçoes :D
Gostaste do red river? Sempre ouvi dizer que era horrivel e por isso nunca o comprei pelos preços baixos que andam por ai.

Gostei e gosto(ainda jogo):). Ando a tentar platina-lo com um amigo meu mas não esta tarefa fácil:-D. Vou-te resumir: O jogo para se jogar sozinho é muito ingrato, jogas sempre tu e mais 3 companheiros(computador) embora em missões tens uma equipa enorme contigo, mas no fundo a tua preocupação és tu e aqueles 3. Quando o computador controla os 3 consegue ser muito burro:-D mesmo sendo tu a dares ordens. Agora se jogas com amigo(s) e a cima de tudo com micro(ou telemóvel com auricular como eu:-D:-D) o jogo muda completamente. Tens missões muito porreiras então se jogas no nível mais elevado ou dás uso à táctica e pensas bem antes de agir ou simplesmente não consegues fazer. Andares sozinho só tem um resultado.....corspman I need help:-D they wast a lot of ammo on me:-D. Limpar aldeias, proteger comboios de veículos, missões nocturnas, aguentar posições e fugir caso não consigas:-D. Gosto muito do jogo;). Se este for do género é compra certa.