Xbox Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics)


I fold therefore I AM

GÉNERO: Acção / Aventura
PRODUTORA: Crystal Dynamics
EDITORA: EIDOS / Square Enix

Press Release:

The Plot - When a sudden storm destroys her research vessel, a young and inexperienced Lara Croft finds herself stranded on a mysterious and remote island hiden of the shores of Japan. Despite several signs of various inhabitants the island is oddly deserted, and an uneasy feeling settles in as strange sounds emerge from the shadows. With only her determination, inner strenght, and resourcefulness to help her, Lara must overcome the challenges of a harsh and unforgiving journey that will take her across a vast island wilderness and deep into the claustrophobic and menacing underground tombs from the island's past. As she struggles to prevail through brutal combat encounters and treacherous exploration, Lara will be pushed to her limits and forced to adapt to her situation in order to survive and escape from the lethal predators that stalk her every move.

Hunt or be hunted - Evade outsmart, track and kill the mysterious enemies that hunt you as prey.

Survival Action - Brutally attack and defend as you fight to survive through visceral one on one melee combat.

Strategic Weapons - Gain an advantage in combat by finding an array of different melee and ranged weapons including a variety of guns and the hunters ultimate weapon, the bow.

Creative Survival - React and adapt to the island by using only that wich you can salvage from the environment like climbing axes, rope, and machetes that can be used to unlock new traversal and combat gameplay options.

Free Movement - Scrale up a vertical cliff wall, sprint and leap across a huge chasm, steer mid air to land a misderected jump there is no one right way to traverse, survive, and explore the harsh enviroment of the island.

One Cohesive World - The diverse multi region island is an open playground alive with creatures, weather and natural events.

Origin Story - This new Tomb Raider concept reboots the franchise by exploring the origins of Lara Croft's transformation into a hardened adventurer as unravel the story behind the island's mysterious past..

IMAGENS: (1) (2)


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Última edição pelo moderador:
A capa está simplesmente... :wow: Gostei do look mais novo dessa Lara.

Deve ser com este jogo que vou voltar a pegar num jogo Tomb Raider, faz já... mais de 10 anos com o Tomb Raider (original) na Saturn :o
Última edição:
Umas informações de quem já teve acesso à revista:

- Lara is 21 in this game
- It's not only a reboot of the franchise but a reboot of the entire brand. As a result there will be no "real" Lara model this time.
- They're doing performance capturing with this game
- There are brutal deaths in the game this time. One is described as a deranged man stabbing Lara in the chest and then closing her eyes after she's dead. Another includes a boulder falling on her leg to trap her before another falls and crushes her head.
- CD won't talk specifics on weapons but concept art shows a bow, shotgun and pistol
- The lock on targeting system is gone and it now has a free aim system. CD says that it can compete with any of their competitors.
- "I think that the major difference between this game and the old is the concept of smoke and mirrors," begins Darrell Gallagher, the studio head at Crystal Dynamics. "There was an illusion of freedom because of streaming and loading that would pop you out in a different location, but this is absolutely real. You can literally go any direction that you see and carve your own way to the finish line instead of being guide."
- "It was important in the game to not only deliver the character arc of Lara Croft emotionally, but to deliver it in gameplay as well so the player gets to grow into a hardened survivor," says experienced director Noah Hughes. As the game unfolds, Lara will scavenge new tools and gear that augment her abilities. Lara's athletic prowess will also evolve. Some areas begin inaccessible due to physical limitations or scarce supplies. With the right skills and gear, however, the island is Lara's for the taking.
- There are base camps in the game. Here you can combine items to create something new and access a skill system to upgrade Lara's abilities. You'll also be able to use base camps to fast travel to different locations to minimize backtracking.
- You'll need to gather food and water in order to survive
- There are humans in the game, including some of the crew members from the shipwreck off the coast of the island.
O Guardian of light superou as minhas expectativas, espero que este também o faça tem um conceito muito mais interessante do que os jogos actuais e esta nova lara está com muito bom aspecto, pena demorar ainda 1 ano a sair
Na verdade vamos descobrir que é a mesma Lara mas que entrou num Animus e vai agora relembrar como tudo aconteceu, vai ter direito a um novo jogo de ano em ano e no 2.5 disfarçado de terceiro mas não numerado vai incluir multiplayer.
Para mim é mais que bem vinda uma nova aventura da Lara Croft, sempre gostei de Tomb Raider, do estar sozinho num sitio misterioso, aparecer bichos feios para matar e puzzles para resolver, aliáis gosto de tudo que me faça pensar.
Este 2011 vai ser fantástico em termos de jogos (embora a maior parte sejam sequelas), pena o dinheiro que vai ser escasso.
Excelente notícia. Devo dizer que a imagem está bastante apelativa :D cheira-me que vão voltar as paixões sentidas pela Lara de antigamente. Espero mais notícias e uns videozitos.
A gaja tá toda boa, mesmo cortada e suja, já não tem aqueles mamalhões á la Panela Anderson, parece que está mais natural, gostei, agora só falta uns bicharocos maus e uns bons puzzles e voilá temos compra certa.
As informações que vinham na revista

Lara is young and eager to prove herself to the world. That’s why the new ‘Tomb Raider’ sets her in her first adventure looking for a treasure, but something goes wrong and a very inexperienced Lara will have to endure both physical and emotional trauma in order to survive.

Every detail on the upcoming reboot of one of the most popular videogame series in the last two decades after the break.

Made2Game’s decided to give you an inside scoop of what the latest GI issue says about the new ‘Tomb Raider’. Don’t look any further in the net. We already knew a few details, now you can find everything you need to know about the “new Lara” below.

A very young Lara Croft “finds herself struggling to carve an identity of her own from under her parents’ influential shadow.” She refuses to go to Cambridge and decides to go to a lesser-known university instead. When the storyline starts, Lara’s 21 and “fresh from academy”, aboard of a vessel with a crew, she’s determined to change history with a big discovery. Before they reach the island, the expedition is derailed by a massive storm, “leaving an unprepared Croft lost in the sea” and soon fighting for her life in a hostile island.

Why reboot the saga?

Lara Croft has been one of the strongest characters in the videogame industry for quite a time. Eventually her games have been loosing steam, though. Crystal Dynamics admits in this GI issue that not even the last games could save Lara from becoming an empty idea. The team at the studio had to do something and the reboot became an act of necessity. Franchise director Timothy Longo Jr. got it right when he basically says that Lara has to “evolve with the times”. Lara needed to be more human and therefore younger and vulnerable, “someone the player will relate to” in a survival and challenging context. Crystal Dynamics claims to have left the “sex symbol” behind. Lara has been completely rebuilt.

The new Lara: What doesn’t kill her, will make her stronger

The older and mature Lara was, in a manner of speaking, mostly invincible. But the new one “bleeds, trembles, cries and ultimately pushes forward”. She also has a new face. Crystal Dynamic has tried to keep a balance between brains, brawn and beauty, but always working really hard on the character and considering the surface secondary this time. “We wanted to [...] ground her as much as we could”, says senior art director Brian Horton. And you will see that on her clothing, much more practical now (Lara’s exaggerated physique and tight wardrobe were key selling points back in the day). Lara’s new sex appeal will be her “toughness through adverse conditions”.

First scenes with Lara in ‘Tomb Raider’

The GI issue describes one of the first scenes of the game. Lara wakes up and finds herself imprisoned inside a canvas sack, suspended upside down. Lara has no tools or weapons. She eyes a sea of candles only to find out soon that she will have to get burned to, at least, be able to hit the ground. The player will deal with the anxiety of a hurt Lara struggling to find her way out of her desperate situation. “Lara is focused on survival. Professional curiosity will have to wait”. She must navigate through corridors and run away from mysterious pursuers.

The new mechanics

“The main philosophy of Tomb Raider is to take the key action adventure pillars that all gamers in the genre are held up to, and to put them through our filter of survival and action”, explains lead designer Daniel Neuburger. “Survival being thematic and having some gameplay implications, and action being the overall pacing and tone”. This can be translated to less traditional puzzle scenarios, more survival escapes, more cinematic camera, a dynamic world filled with usable objects and where exploration and discovery comes to life.

A new combat style

‘Tomb Raider’ will feature a free-aim system that will help make the game competitive among other games in the genre. The team at Crystal Dynamics also think is very important for the combat the fact that Lara is unfamiliar with violence. Combat will become “a function of survival, not a sport”. We can also expect to find items to build weapons for Lara all over the island.

The island

The mysterious pursuers, who are actually natives, are not the only population on the island. There are also survivors of the crew Lara’s was travelling with. In those camps, Lara will increase her abilities and use them as fast travel points. The island works in a similar way to an open world with scripted moments, where Lara will go out and explore and will revisit locations. Gathering food, water and other valuable resources will be essential for Lara as well.

In order to survive, a young Lara will have to unveil the secrets of the island in this single-player action-adventure story that intends to take a rebuilt Lara to the new era of videogaming.
Hmmm... Espero que seja de facto um reboot, um regresso ao que era!!

Acho que os primeiros cinco que sairam eram muito bons, apesar de não ter gostado muito do 3 (por trazer a Lara para muitos cenários citadinos - London, Area 51, etc etc) e do 5 (por soar a um "livro de contos": capítulos soltos, sem grande ligação entre eles), mas o 1, 2 e 4 são autenticos Tomb Raider... e o 3 e 5 não eram, de forma alguma, maus :)

Deixo-vos aqui 3 perguntas:

- O que foi dito antes de sair o "Angel of Darkness"? (1)
- O que foi dito antes de sair o "Legend"? (2)
- O que foi dito antes de sair o "Underworld"? (3)

Eu respondo: o primeiro foi um tiro no pé, cheio de novidades pouco apelativas e com uma jogabilidade sofrivel, que "traria a Lara para novos patamares; uma revolução"; o segundo seria o regresso às origens e, pese embora não estivesse mau, soube a pouco, deslavado, pouco consistente; o terceiro trouxe gráficos fantásticos, mais consistência, mas, ainda assim, não sabia totalmente a Tomb Raider, faltava qualquer coisa.

Entre estes saiu um, para mim, fantástico, o Anniversary, um remake do Tomb Raider 1. Um Tomb Raider 1 como devia ter sido (dito por eles, não por mim), cheio de pormenores e actualizado para os padrões da altura... Foi absolutamente delicioso voltar a passar por aqueles locais de novo, ir a andar por corredores e afins que nada tinham a ver com o 1 e, de um momento para o outro, abrir a boca e pensar: "espera lá, esta sala era do 1... wooow".

Por isto tudo, fico "apenas" moderadamente expectante :) Já me deixaram em "pulgas" três vezes e já chega... Mas espero uma surpresa das boas, claro!! ;)
Última edição:
Nova info esta semana, 1º a capa da Hobby consolas


Forget about the perfect athlete with impossible anatomy. This Lara Croft is human, she bleeds and suffers a whole lot. But she's decided to fight for survival. The brand new
Tomb Raider will be released for PS3 and 360 in a yet to be announced date but, until it arrives, we can tell you about all the details in this EPIC adventure.

GET USED to see fear and pain in Lara's face. Her expresions and even the camera movements have been generated using motion capture.

Chest: Ninety-Five, Waist: Fifty-five, Hips: Eighty Five. Those were Lara's "official" measures when the classic Tomb Raider was released in 1996. By then, that adventure astonished PlayStation and Saturn users because of its open nature, its well-measured mixture of puzzles, shooting and platforming... but mainly because of the main character: she was an aristocrat, with an awesome body, she spoke several languages and you can bet that Jackie Chan would like to share some of her ability to perform acrobatics. The arrival of such a character was a revolution in a scene which was used to nice jumping plumbers or supersonic hedgehogs. But years have passed and the sensation of wear-off, of abusing the formula "hot girl with guns" has become quite evident. The guys at Eidos, responsible of the franchise, have tried several makeovers: making a more sinister Lara, using flashbacks to show her first adventures... But now they have decided to renew from bottom up. The main story, development and even the main character will re-start from scratch in the next game, which will be called just Tomb Raider.

WE HAVE TRAVELLED TO SAN FRANCISCO, to the headquarters of Crystal Dynamics, creators of this new adventure. Just about a dozen of journalists from all over the world were allowed to witness, in the most absolute secrecy, the details of the new title. Karl Stewart, the franchise's director, took us on a trip around the studios and told us about their intentions. "As time went by, Lara was becoming a cartoon, somebody too unrealistic. The one we are crafting right now is human, more vulnerable", he taught us. "She's going to suffer from terrible wounds, both physical and emotional". To break up completely with the old games, the new Lara Croft is just a teenage just out of the University. Her academic past has made her become a rational and analitic young lady, but with a passion for adventure and archeology. On her first expedition, she enroles in a ship called Endurance, which sinks next to an island close to the coast of Japan. From among all the crew in the ship, only she seems to have survived. ¿Didn't you want action, Lara? ¡Have two cups!

THE FIRST MISSION we could witness, in fact, couldn't be more perplexing: After the shipwreck, Lara wakes up tied up and hanging upside down in a dark cave, having no idea about how she got to that situation. The first thing is getting out of there. The solution to this task already shows the new spirit of this game: to release her from her captivity: we have to hurt Lara. Making her swing, we have to make her approach a torch to put her on fire. That way, her ties will burn and she will be released, but at the same time she gets burn as well. You see: you have to make her have a bad time to get out of the situation. But the problems haven't ended. Just after getting released, Lara falls over a bar of iron which punctures her in her side. With the face deformed by the pain, the young girl has to put it out rudely. We help her pressing a button as quickly as possible, in one of the common activities in this game: quick time events. While we are looking for an exit to the game we find an intriguing altar...

HELPING HANDS and the game interface will be kept to a minimum, even though the game will show which can be burnt or which buttons to press in Quicktime events.

... which makes something clear: there's somebody else in the island and doesn't seem to have good intentions. Everything points that Lara was going to be part of some kind of ritual by somebody whose noises can be heard from the deepest end of the cave...

have the main role in the next section. We have to use ramps, the water current or a rudimentary lift to carry some boxes set in fire to a small magazine and make it explode, which leaves a clear path to advance... but also causes the cave to collapse. Desperate while land and stones fall all around her, Lara tries to find a hole to escape. There it is, a little hole upwards shows light from the outside. In this moment a distressing quicktime event begins, in which we have to press the right buttons for Lara to get to salvation. While we keep advancing, the screens gets filled with mud to the point we can barely see anything, the music goes crescendo and Lara shouts agonicly until we... get out of the cave! Then, the gasping heroine looks at the landscape which unfolds in front of her: a huge island plagued with wrecked ships and lush jungles. Now the true adventure begins.

THE MAIN GAMEPLAY wants to break away from a fixed system of levels as found in the previous installments of the franchise. We will always be on the island, but from the mian hub we able to climb, jump or investigate to find new areas. Then, will this game be some kind of sand box? "This isn't a Grand Theft Auto or an Assassin's Creed of sorts", makes clear Stewart, "but we want to suggest the idea that Lara is in an open environment". In fact, at the beginning of the adventure, Lara will have little abilities and, therefore, we won't be able to advance in most directions, but step by step we will be gathering tools and enhacing Lara's abilities so there will be more to explore. To make us aquainted to the new location, Karl show us another mission: several days after what we just seen, Lara finds Conrad Roth alive. Conrad Roth is the expedition leader, and is considered some kind of a menthor by Lara ...

area in the island will serve as the main headquarters. In the
main camp [up] we'll be able to "buy" abilities, make new tools or get back
to missions we have already finished. The remaining of this area will be used to climb or search for new missions.

"- I can't bear this - I'm not that kind of Croft.- Yes, you are, but you just haven't found out!"
Roth cheers up Lara.

... Roth is an old dog who ain't afraid of challenge. He's always up to a new adventure. He has been left wounded after a fight with a group of wolves, so he commands Lara to go finding a med-kit and a transmitter he lost in a nearby cave. To get to that new zone, Lara has to make good use of her abilities. First we have to do some jumping. This time our heroine won't just "stick" magically to the closest ledge, but we'll have to maneuver while she's jumping. Althought it may seem more complicated than in previous installments, this will serve us well to modify our trajectory mid-jump to reach other zones.

THE SURVIVAL INSTICT will be other trick under Ms. Croft's sleeve. By pressing a button we'll activate a special view which will put a different colour to "interesting" elements in the environment: the background and non relevant objects will be shown in shades of grey and the clues in yellow. That way we'll be able to follow traces normally invisible to the eye, for example the footprints of the wolves which will lead us to where they have left the med-kit. When we reach that zone, one of those animals attacks us. This time Lara isn't that super-archeologist who can kill ...

will be more complex than in previous installments. They won't be just about observing the environment, but about thinking about how water and fire interact, the importance of gravity, explosives...

THE CAMERA will use innovative framings to add to the sensations of anguish or claustrophobia. To its aid, a renewed graphic engine Crystal Engine, used in TR Legend.

"I'm so sorry, but this was a mere matter of survival: it was either you or me"
Lara apologizes at the first wolf she kills

... dinosaurs without loosing her hairdo, so the fight with the wolf is dirty and violent. Lara, terrified, finishes her adversary with a stroke of luck. That duel is also resolved using quicktime events, but Karl has told us that we'll also have "common" fights and shooting scenes, in which we'll have to aim ourselves. For the moment, only a few weapons have been officially confirmed: a bow and arrows, a pistol, and a pick we'll be able to use to climb and defend ourselves. As we advance in the game we'll discover new weapons and possibilities for the girl.

LARA WILL LEARN step by step and that will show in her emotions. It's somewhat shoking to witness how the yesteryear's unbreakable Lara is now just a girl which shows terror and doubt about what's to come and even sometimes talks to herself to convince herself that's she'll be able to keep advancing. She get's afraid, looks around, touches the walls to lean on... "Yesteryear's Lara didn't seem to care about what..."

ROTH is this old adventurer. He'll we some kind of a menthor for Lara, but she'll have to
help him as well to get away
from this one!
Influences: Many games have been taken as an influence in different degrees during the conception of this new Tomb Raider:

Physics from Half Life 2 - The usage of gravity or water currents was already explored in this classic game. Here such concepts will be put to use with boxes and barrels.
Athmosphere of Uncharted - Nathan's soliloquies will be "imited" by Lara, as well as the extreme situations for the main character.
The "vision" of Assassin's Creed - Ezio's Eagle Sight isolates different objectives using colours. Lara will be able of something simmilar using her Instinct of Survival.
The Origins of Batman Begins - The first act in the film showed the hard path of Bruth Wayne to become Batman. That "hero's journey" will guide the first steps of Lara.
The suffering of 127 Hours - In that movie, the main character has to punish his body so hard to survive. The most famous scene in the film inspired the guys at Crystal Dynamics to force Lara's resistance to the limit.
The mysteries of Lost - Extrange wrecked ships? An island long lost in the middle of the sea and full of mysteries? The influences of the plot of Lost has been aknowledged by the developers. Will there be polar bears? "... happened around her, but now we want to make believable the fact that she's in the world, and that she connects with it", says Karl.

THE PROJECT IS AMBITIOUS AND RISKY. It's still in a very early stage of development, but it's clear that it's a superproduction, with the goal of putting Lara again in the Throne of videogames (if this title is successful, more will come in which Lara will get even more mature). We'll finish the article with a little story. From among the journalists invited to the event, a nice Russian chap asked: "if the old Lara would meet the new version, what would she tell her?". Karl, quite suprised, smiled and answered "most likely she would just tell her "you will become a legend"". We can't wait to accompany her in this transformation.
OK @tombraider fans I promise I'll drop some news on both Wednesday AND Thursday. I have it ready to go, lined up and in the bag.!/CrystalDKarl/statuses/63134139825668096

Última edição:
Já é difícil ficar hypado com um TOMB RAIDER... mas amei o 1º e estou a ficar curioso.

A verdade é que parece que já aprenderam que mais vale demorar o tempo que for preciso... e sair um jogo 5*!

Será que só sai em 2012?