[Colunas] compra de colunas

basicamente tem a ver com as vibraçoes certo? nao me parece pratico andar sempre a tirar e por, porque eu ando sempre a mexer as colunas de sitio, e depois ficava com a secretaria toda marcada. Isso parece util para quando tiver os suportes, e tambem 95% das vezes qe utilizei nao tinha som suficiente para criar vibraçoes potentes, para teres ideia o meu telemovel note 3 manda som mais alto do qe eu custumo ouvir lol
Eu por acaso (acho que já tinha dito algures neste tópico), que não sou apologista de spikes em chão que não seja carpetes/alcatifas (e um outro chão mais manhoso tipo parquet flutuante), ainda mais em colunas de "prateleira". Para exemplo uso entre as minhas colunas e os suportes, anti-derrapante/vibração semelhante ao que se mete nos pés das cadeiras.

Esse artigo tem umas notas interessantes: (a bold)
"In some recent issues of the audio magazine, ‘Hi Fi News’ [ref 1], Keith Howard used an accelerometer to measure the levels of vibration in various objects. When he tried measuring the vibrations produced in a loudspeaker stand by playing the speaker he found a result that surprised him. With the speaker unit sitting on cones the level of vibration of the stand was over one hundred times greater than if the cones were replaced with small rubbery feet. This indicates that cones are of doubtful use if the intention is to stop vibrations passing from the speaker to the stand, or to any other solid objects against which the speaker may sit.

In fact, this result is also consistent with the predictions you can get by looking into the theory of vibrations in solid structures and objects. [ref 2] (Although such predictions sometimes need to be treated with care as the results depend upon the assumptions made when doing an analysis!) The theory and actual measurements seem to agree that hard cones and spikes are not necessarily a sensible choice if vibration isolation is what you require. An air gap or soft rubbery feet would probably be much better.
In principle, when vibrating hard objects are resting upon each other, the surfaces may vibrate enough to keep ‘bouncing’ in and out of contact. The result then might be some unwanted distortion due to the non-linearity of the contact forces. (i.e. the surfaces might ‘rattle’ together.) If this occurs, then compliant feet of some kind (or a layer of soft material in between the two objects) may be desirable to help ensure a more enduring contact. However having said this I’ve have not encountered any measurements or observations which show this is a real problem in most practical cases with domestic audio speakers. I therefore have no reason at present to think that this problem does occur in practice, so no ‘solution’ may be required.
sendo que as colunas, vão mexer, podes colocar o que o @Pedroknd diz, velcro autocolante,
de perferencia o mais alto.
a secretaria não ficaria marcada, pois os spikes tem um "prato" onde asenta.
mas essas colunas não trazem uns pés de borracha? as minha wharfedale 220 trazem...e acho que são mais que suficiente a parar as vibrações...ate porque as tenho cada uma numa mesa de cabeceira do quarto, onde a minha mulher por vezes ate coloca os brincos e se as vibrações existissem ate os brincos cairiam ao chão!