Solus OS

Já há algum tempo que sou user do Linux Mint e para mim o melhor de todos , uso no meu NUC como desktop , mas noto por vezes alguma lentidao em certos processos. Vou testar este pois parece-me divinal. :)
Desisto , tentei instalar diversas vezes no meu NUC 2820, faco tudo como mandam as instrucoes , termina a instalacao , faco reboot e nao me arranca o SO . Ainda por cima nao tem writer de iso para usb nativo , estou a ver/me a rasca para voltar ao Mint ...
Introducing the Linux Steam Integration Project from Solus, a tool to enhance Steam integration with the OS, by allowing selection of runtimes and 32-bit mode, in a fashion transparent to the user.

This takes much of the pain out of running Steam on Linux.

Solus 1.2 is out,

"We are proud to announce the release of Solus 1.2, the second minor release in the Shannon series of releases. Solus 1.2 builds upon the groundwork of 1.1 and 1.0, with continued improvements to Budgie, a huge
focus on software optimizations, in addition to laying the framework for providing a performant gaming experience. Solus 1.2 furthers us on our journey to realizing the future of home computing."

More here and download here.
Today we are providing a minor update to Solus 1.2 in the form of Solus This release enables us to address a multitude of issues that have since been resolved after the release of Solus 1.2, such as:

  • Budgie:
    • Battery icon refresh issues were solved
    • We resolved an issue where the keyboard layout would revert to the default guessed layout for the locale on login
    • We switched to gnome-screensaver for screen locking and power management
  • Installation:
    • Issues using Solus and the installation media on some hardware configurations, such as NVIDIA Maxwell cards and Intel Skylake processors.
    • We solved an issue whereby the installer might hang scanning disks.
  • Software:
    • We delivered an updated GNOME 3.20 Stack, Pulseaudio 9, as well as Mesa 12. Additionally, we shipped with GCC 6.1.0, glibc 2.24, and the latest stable kernel 4.7.2.

You can download via HTTP direct download and torrents from here.
The Solus project is proud to announce the availability of Solus 1.2.1, delivered in the form of our main edition, which provides an unrivaled Budgie experience, as well as a new and welcomed addition to the Solus family, Solus 1.2.1 MATE edition.
While Solus 1.2.1 is the first release to have a new addition, it is also the last of our traditional releases as we shift towards the ISO snapshot model, which better reflects our agility and iteration speed.

More here
We’re happy to be kicking off the new year with the release of our first ISO snapshot, 2017.01.01.0, across our Budgie and MATE editions.

More here and download.
É leve é nova, com tudo o que isso implica. Sim é rolling release e sempre com o último kernel estável. Ainda não vi nos repositórios se tem o lts.
Como é óbvio está em construção mas o conceito é interessante e o look and feel é simples e agradável.
É leve é nova, com tudo o que isso implica. Sim é rolling release e sempre com o último kernel estável. Ainda não vi nos repositórios se tem o lts.
Como é óbvio está em construção mas o conceito é interessante e o look and feel é simples e agradável.

Interessante, se tiveres a possibilidade de saber se tem kernel lts, agradeço.
key Doherty on January 25, 2017

With the Budgie website now up and running, let us turn our focus to the development of Budgie 11 itself. It’s no secret that we’ve been very busy over in Solus land, focusing on the base layers of the operating system. We did also promise we’d be kicking off the year with a focus on the next major release in the Budgie Desktop project, with version 11.

However, we’ve also thought long and hard about exactly what we want Budgie 11 to be, how it looks, and how we want to deliver the best experience to our users. It’s also no secret that for a while we’ve planned to decouple Budgie from GNOME over a series of releases.
More here.
Intalei no meu PC (portátil) e funciona super bem, bastante estável e leve. Quando experimentei correr pela pen não consegui por a wifi a funcionar, mas depois de instalar foi só instalar os drivers (no meu caso broadcom-sta) e um reboot. Outro reparo é a notificação de bateria fraca: aparece várias vezes seguidas em vez de uma só. De resto nada a apontar, wine funciona bem e tudo já tenho o steam com alguns jogos que só tenho em windows a bombar. Está um sério candidato a destronar o mint como o meu daily driver