Multiplataforma Destiny 2 (Bungie)


Hey everyone,

I wanted to try a little experiment with our communications and put together a longer look at where Destiny has been over the last few months and where it's heading next. I think it's important to take time to reflect on what's happened so we can show you where we're going.

I'm calling this Director's Cut. Based on how long this ended up being, a key learning from this is "maybe there's a better way to communicate this than a GIANT WALL OF TEXT!" Let me know. I also may like doing it in a different format in the future, I'll let you know.

Today, I'm going to talk about more than just the Destiny game and talk some about how webuild Destinyand the effects it can have on the team. I think transparency about the game is important and I also want to be transparent about the work required. Sound OK? That's rhetorical, because a wall of text is coming up.

Muito muito mais no link.
Um pequeno resumo retirado do reddit sobre o armor 2.0.

  • Solstice armor can be changed into Armor 2.0 simply by getting a package from the gunsmith
  • Exotic armor can be reacquired from collections as Armor 2.0 armor, and all exotic armor that drops will be Armor 2.0
  • Each armor piece has 10 points of energy maximum, starting with 5, with the final 5 needing to be unlocked
  • Having all 10 energy points unlocked masterworks the armor and adds +2 toallstats
  • Armor mods cost between seemingly 1 and 6 energy. You can have 3 mods total equipped, and you will have to mix and match in order to add up to how many energy slots you have available (i.e. one 3 energy mod + one 5 energy mod + one 2 energy mod = all 10 mod slots)
  • Scavenger mods still exist, and all mods that exist currently seem to be returning
  • You can have multiple scavenger perks on one piece of armor. Overall there are much more possible combinations than currently and in total way more mods at once
  • Ammo generated from ammo finder perks (Special/Heavy/Primary Ammo Finder) will glow to show specifically that it was generated from that mod
  • Levels as a whole seem to be gone. Power increases with XP, as indicated by this, and it seems that leveling is replaced by 'Seasonal Rank', which is likely just a seasonal leveling system, and resets with the start of each season
  • Instead of level, the icon next to the name of a player is now the hunter/warlock/titan icon
E o armor actual? Lixo!

Há novos materials para aplicar esses novos mods.
Yaps lixo... Podes é ir farmar tudo outra vez porque quando dropar será 2.0.

Por exemplo, se quiseres gear 2.0 da Crown of Sorrow tens que farmar os sets novamente... O mesmo para todos restantes sets.

Pessoalmente acho errado...
This is Director’s Cut – Part II, a now mega-long update looking at the last six months of Destiny 2 and looking ahead to Shadowkeep, and maybe a bit beyond.

Muita informação, mas destaco esta parte:

We want to get new players and veterans colliding quickly. After Black Armory, we made a deliberate choice to try to do this with each Season. Both Season of the Drifter and Season of Opulence had bounties to boost up players’ Power levels. With New Light and Shadowkeep being bigger moments of collision, we’re continuing that philosophy, but optimizing the mechanics to fit the moment.

We’re setting the Power this Fall to 750 for both returning and new players. We want you to all be together when Shadowkeep opens. Here’s what this means:
  • Every single item in the game is being raised to a Power floor of 750 when Shadowkeep and New Light launch. Every item in your inventory (and vault) is going to automatically jump to 750.
  • It's like a free global burst of infusion for all players.
Servidores dedicados nunca vão colocar por ser muito dispendioso, aquilo que se pede é dar sempre prioridade à ligação em vez do skill rating.

Tenho receio que ao meterem diversas playlists fragmentem os jogadores e piore o matchmaking mas como vão passar a free to play pode ser que compense com muitos jogadores novos.
Para ter tudo actualmente disponível ficaria em 40€.

Servidores dedicados por si só não significam uma experiência sem lag. FIFA (no modo FUT) tem sido um constante exemplo disso mesmo.

O fifa tem servidores dedicados?
Deste me a notícia de 2019 ma friend:beerchug:

Se bem me lembro no destiny nunca deram prioridade no sbmm em connection depois skill.

Lembro me muito bem, o sbmmndo destiny. Tanto em crucible normal, trials etc... É uma autêntica xaxada....
Eu como jogador de pvp se tiver que levar na boca porque alguém joga melhor que eu. Assim seja sem stress.
Agora levar com, turcos. KSA, australianos e os gajos la da russia quase ao pé de hong Kong...

Nanana já passei essa experiência e foi uma autêntica mer*****'
Ja vi o dragon ball super todo,gokus e vegetas com teleportes em god mode. não tenciono ver novamente no destiny obrigado.

Agora o Pve penso ir num bom caminho. Veremos
Última edição: