ABC@Home - Tópico oficial

Eu fiz isto e parece ter funcionado:

There's a workaround for ABC, have a look at the 'old' message board under *****.com/6xom8m

Posted 12 Jul 2008 17:47:39 UTC
Hi !
I have add the following line in \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

And it works.. All Results were accepted ;)


and this temp workaround worked here for two of my doze boxen tho' no new work obtained at least the uploads and update worked

WMY - where would the equiv "hosts" file be under *buntu? And would you post the code for getting to it/editing it pls?
abc vinha agora mesmo postar isso eheh

fiz aqui no meu pc e funcionou :)

se o windows perguntar abrir com que programa, escolham o bloco de notas, notepad

fechem o boinc, façam isso, depois iniciem o boinc façam actualizar ou retry communications no abc@home, ele envia e pronto.

depois vao ao ficheiro q editaram e removam a linha..