[ajuda] vb script para criar user no AD


Power Member
boas tenho o seguinte script:
Dim sCSVFileLocation
Dim sCSVFile
Dim oConnection
Dim oRecordSet
Dim oNewUser
' Variables needed for LDAP connection
Dim oRootLDAP
Dim oContainer
' Holding variables for information import from CSV file
Dim sLogon
Dim sFirstName
Dim sLastName
Dim sDisplayName
Dim sPassword
Dim nPwdLastSet
Dim nUserAccountControl ' Used to enable the account
Dim sDomain
' Modify this to match your company's AD domain
' Input file location
sCSVFileLocation = "D:\Scripts\" 'KEEP TRAILING SLASH!
' Full path to input file
sCSVFile = sCSVFileLocation&"Book2.csv"
' Commands used to open the CSV file and select all of the records
set oConnection = createobject("adodb.connection")
set oRecordSet = createobject("adodb.recordset")
oConnection.open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " & sCSVFileLocation & ";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=NO;FMT=Delimited"""
oRecordSet.open "SELECT * FROM " & sCSVFile ,oConnection
' Create a connection to the Active Directory Users container.
Set oRootLDAP = GetObject("[URL]ldap://rootDSE[/URL]")
Set oContainer = GetObject("[URL]ldap://cn=Users[/URL]," & _
' Allows processing to continue even if an error occurs (i.e. dup user)
' We put this below the CSV and AD information since processing can
' continue with a single bad record, but not if there is a problem with
' the CSV file or AD connection
on error resume next 
' Reads the values (cells) in the sInputFile file.
Err.clear' --------- Start creating user account
' Read variable information from the CSV file
' and build everything needed to create the account
sLogon = oRecordSet.Fields.Item(0).value
sFirstName = oRecordSet.Fields.Item(1).value
sLastName = oRecordSet.Fields.Item(2).value
sDisplayName = sLastName&", "&sFirstName
sPassword = oRecordSet.Fields.Item(3).value
' Build the User account
Set oNewUser = oContainer.Create("User","cn="&sFirstName&" "&SLastName)
oNewUser.put "sAMAccountName",lcase(sLogon)
oNewUser.put "givenName",sFirstName
oNewUser.put "sn",sLastName
oNewUser.put "UserPrincipalName",lcase(SLogon)&"@"&sDomain
oNewUser.put "DisplayName",sDisplayName
oNewUser.put "name",lcase(sLogon)
' Write this information into Active Directory so we can
' modify the password and enable the user account
' Change the users password
oNewUser.SetPassword sPassword
oNewUser.Put "pwdLastSet", 0
' Enable the user account
' oNewUser.Put "userAccountControl", 512
oNewUser.AccountDisabled = FALSE
' Used only for debugging
'if err.number = -2147019886 then
' msgbox "User logon " & sLogon & "already exists"
'End If

isto serve para correr no windows server e adiciona um utilizador no active directory apartir de um fixeiro .csv
Ocorre qe ele cria o utilizador activo e muito bem, mas cria sem password!
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