

tenho um celeron 433, de um dia para o outro deixou de dar imagem, esperimentei td, meti uma placa gráfica isa, e deu!!

o pc tem todos os sintomas de uma actualização de bios mal feita( só suportar isa, etc...), MAS EU NÃO ACTUALIZEI A BIOS!!

o que aconteceu....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>(
Não sei se a tua grafica era PCI ou AGP mas no caso de ser PCI ja experimentas-te mudar de slot ou se for AGP tentar outra placa AGP , é que pode ter sido o slot a dar o berro...
a minha gráfica é agp, já experimentei c/ outra placa a funcionar noutro pc, e nada, esperimentei com uma s3 pci a funcionar tb de outro pc e nada, só ISA!
Faz a recuperação da BIOS


b. To recover BIOS:
i. Insert the floppy disk that contains old BIOS under the name
ii. Press, hold "Ctrl" and "Home" keys and power on the system.
iii. The system will beep a few times and access the floppy drive. Once
the system does this, release "Ctrl" and "Home" keys.
iv. System will reboot once the BIOS recovery completed.

II. Award:

b. To recover BIOS:
i. Insert the floppy disk that contains a BIOS file and awdflash utility
into floppy drive.
ii. Power on the system and at the same time press Alt + F2 until the
system brings up Award flash utility.
iii. Remove BIOS disk when done and reboot the system.

III. Phoenix:

b. To recover BIOS;
i. Recovery flash requires a update key over COM port and pin definition
as follow:
Pin4 wires to Pin8 and Pin9
Pin7 wires to Pin6
Pin3 wires to Pin2
ii. Use Supermicro CD to make a "Phoenix BIOS crisis disk for supermicro
mainboard". This disk includes a BIOS file named "bios.rom". Please note,
this BIOS file can be changed to a different Phoenix BIOS file as long as
it's named "bios.rom"
iii. Connect the serial key into COM port, insert the recovery disk into
floppy drive and power on the system.
iv. When the ssytem starts to read the disk, remove the serial key
v. When system is done with BIOS recovery