AMD to officially sanction overclocking


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A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO, AMD invited some of us UK chaps - one after the other - to a one-to-one, face-to-face presentation as a prelude to the launch of the AMD forthcoming FX57 processor.

Most of the information presented there is already known to our regular readers. The FX57 will come very soon, and according to the AMD Desktop Manager who gave the briefing, will be available in quantity from launch.

The two main differences between the FX57 and the FX55 will be the speed difference and the price. The FX55 currently costs $855 in 1000 pieces while the FX57 will cost around $1040. AMD now has two parts above the $1000 price barrier. The second is the smallish speed bump of 200MHz to 2.8GHz. Note that the FX55 will continue to be sold and not discontinued as it was the case with the FX51 and the FX53. So the FX57 could be seen as the "Extreme Edition" of its chips.

The FX57 is geared towards gaming and the X2 will cater for those engaged in Content Creation. AMD will put even more emphasis in the future on this segmentation so that there is no overlapping of the two products in people's minds. The FXers will always be the best for gaming: designing games, distributing them and playing them. AMD refused of course to give silicon yields and product mix, of course.

Another more interesting and potentially controversial aspect is the fact that AMD is going to actively promote the FX processor as an overclocking processor. I've asked whether all processors will be guaranteed Overclockable out of the box and was greeted with a big smile. AMD is going to provide a list of overclocking possibilities, air and non-air, some of which it will endorse.

The other point of controversy is warranty and this is still unknown at the time of writing. AMD will use the word 'unlocked' in its literature but will forbid the use of the word "overclockable", which, of course, is the same thing.

Performance wise, benchmarks from AMD showed increases in performance of around 7% over the FX55, which correspond to the seven per cent increase in speed, while improvements on Single Core PEE 3.73GHz hoevered around 15 per cent on average. Benchmarks were done using industry standard software like Sysmark or 3DMark.

One improvement that was expected was a boost in the memory controller speed to 533MHz up from 400MHz. Now that opens the door to a certainty. AMD has confirmed that FX will move to DDR2 memory in the "future". When asked, whether it was a near future or a distant one, the representative, Teresa, said probably next year.

Another certainty is that FX is moving to dual core in 2006. Furthermore, they argue that the growing console market and the forthcoming triple threat - Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft - will probably not reduce demand for a PC-based FX which is more of all-rounder.

The concluding part of the briefing included some tidbits on the X2 family but nothing significant that is not public knowledge. What remains to be seen though is what will be the impact of the X2 on the FX family and vice versa.

Fonte: The Inquirer
O titulo não tem nada a haver com o conteúdo da noticia:

...AMD is going to actively promote the FX processor as an overclocking processor. I've asked whether all processors will be guaranteed Overclockable out of the box and was greeted with a big smile. AMD is going to provide a list of overclocking possibilities, air and non-air...

...AMD will use the word 'unlocked' in its literature but will forbid the use of the word "overclockable"...

Vão proibir o uso da palavra OC na sua documentação mas vão explorar ao maximo as capacidades de OC dos seus processadores no seu marketing incentivando-o activamente.

Pelo menos foi o que eu percebi. Escapou-me alguma coisa?
exacto... e no titulo da thread diz que a AMD vai sancionar o overclock... quando na verdade vai promove-lo ;)

ontopic: acho que é uma atitude de valor pela parte da amd, quanto mais oferecerem ao consumidor mais o consumidor lhes oferecem a eles :D
É preciso é saber falar ingles...


1. Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid. See Synonyms at permission.
2. Support or encouragement, as from public opinion or established custom.

3. A consideration, influence, or principle that dictates an ethical choice.
- 1. A law or decree.
- 2. The penalty for noncompliance specified in a law or decree.
5. A penalty, specified or in the form of moral pressure, that acts to ensure compliance or conformity.
6. A coercive measure adopted usually by several nations acting together against a nation violating international law.

NeoDev|L disse:
É preciso é saber falar ingles...
1. Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid. See Synonyms at permission.

Tens razão. My bad.

"Sanction" significa "sanção, castigo, pena"
"With the saction of" significa "com a aprovação de". 8o
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