Arrancar programas sem fazer login


Power Member
Viva, tenho um computador com o Windows 2003 server. O computador esta configurado para se ligar todos os dias de manha, mas não arranca alguns programas que so arrancam se fizer login no utilizador. Existe alguma maneira de arrancar esses programas sem ser preciso fazer login? Obrigado
Última edição:
Podes fazer um batch file e usares o comando runAs para os programas que queres arrancar.

Here is the help screen containing complete description and examples

Usage: RunAs <user> <password> [/V] [/B] [/I] <program name> [parameters]

Command line parameters:
User - Username in form DOMAIN\USER (for local accounts use .\USER format)

Password - Password for the user account

/V - Optional parameter. If specified, RunAs binds the process to the interactive user Desktop. (Use this parameter when starting interactive programs from services)

/B - Optional parameter. If specified, RunAs prints only minimal diagnostic information to the screen in case of errors.

/I - Optional parameter. If specified, RunAs makes the launched process inherit I/O handles of the RunAs console. Use this to redirect any input/outpup from/to external processes.

program name - Full name of the program file to launch. If the name includes spaces, enclose the entire name in double quotes.

parameters - Optional command line parameters that you want to pass to the program