Dúvida Autenticação por bluetooth...


What is folding?
boas... no ubuntu, havia um programa em que emparelhava o telemovel e se afastassemos do pc com o telemovel ele bloqueava. para o windows há algum programa que faça o mesmo?

e há autenticação por usb?
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Notas a reter:
*** DISCLAIMER : the following method requires you to make some changes to your operating system. MakeUseOf cannot accept any legal liability if anything goes wrong with your PC and you should proceed at your own risk. Please read the instructions thoroughly before beginning and if you are still not sure what you are doing, you should seek help from a knowledgeable friend ***
The solution is not foolproof. Even if someone is not able to boot your system he/she can easily get your data by using a live CD.
Boa sorte.
