Multi Battleborn (Gearbox Software)

A Sega estava a pagar-lhes para fazer o jogo.Eles tinham a Gearbox pelos tomates lol Até recentemente havia um processo entre ambas.

A Sega estava a pagar-lhes para o Colonial Marines. O que a Gearbox se esqueceu de dizer é que esse dinheiro da Sega foi investido no Borderlands 2.

Parvos não são :P

  • Capture: Classic capture-and-control mode between two teams of heroes.
  • Meltdown: Each team has to march waves of minions to their death into the chompers at the ends of lanes on the map. Players will score points for every minion who throws themselves into the incinerator and the team with the most scrap metal wins.
  • Incursion: Teams of heroes must defend their base from waves of AI-controlled minions. Players will also be working together alongside their own minions to lead them to the opponent’s base and then destroy it.
quem tem jogado o que acha do jogo?

para mim muito sucintamente é mais atraente que o smite, mas este tipo de jogo é muito confuso para mim, jogo LOL mas não me consigo orientar bem neste.

Slave. Laborer. Greatest warrior among the Jennerit underclass — the Thralls. All his life, Attikus has been told what to do, shoved into the deepest mines of Tempest, and kept down. Thanks to an experimental biotech harness, this already-imposing brute was given the one thing the Jennerit didn’t expect: intelligence.

Main Attacks

Barefisted Brawling (R2): while his normal fist would just as easily knock you out, watch out for when his abilities are fully charged. You’ll be seeing stars as his enhanced hand delivers a burst of shield-draining damage.

Charged Hook (L2): Hold back for a couple seconds and Attikus’ high-octane haymaker delivers a world of pain. To your face.


Pounce (L1): Just because this beast is huge doesn’t mean it can’t move. Attikus can leap to a target location and knock foes back.

Hedronic Arc (R1): That metal arm grafted to Attikus’ body? He uses it to shock enemies when they come in for a closer look.

Hedronic Eruption (Triangle): Attikus’ ultimate ability hurls shockwaves of energy to clear enemies out of his path.

Hedronic Collector: A fringe benefit of the biotech harness — his passive ability can syphon energy from killed enemies. Once enough energy gets collected, he can pay it forward, juicing up the next skill he uses and making it even more powerful.

The best tactic for fighting against Attikus: keep your distance. Stun, slow, or shoot at Attikus — just keep him out of arm’s reach!


A sacred order within the Eldrid, the Arbiters of Being were charged with undermining the Jennerit Empire’s technology, and Galilea was its most promising warrior. Entrusting her with a long undercover mission, Galilea was embedded within the Jennerit and worked her way through the recruits of the Silent Sisters.

Main Attacks
Wraith’s Greatsword (R2): she may be a fallen holy warrior of the Eldrid, but Galilea is still incredibly handy and swift in close combat.

Sentinel’s Greatshield (L2): when Galilea is ready to wade deep into combat and stare her enemy in the eye, nothing’s better than a shield for deflecting blows and defending allies.


Shield Throw (L1): that shield Galilea wields can do a lot more than simply absorb damage — give it a toss and share the pain! And, no, she has nothing to do with a certain someone that rhymes with Shnaptain Shamerica.

Desecrate (R1): always ready for a sword fight, she curses the ground beneath enemies to amplify damage against them.

Abyssal Form (Triangle): Take personal time-out with this ability. Galilea’s ultimate ability explodes into dark energy allowing her to take a break from the action or run for cover. During that time, she takes reduced damage and regenerates a huge chunk of her health.

Corruption: the more that she connects blows and uses skills, Galilea’s Corruption grows. Once charged, she begins projecting a passive aura that drains the health of nearby enemies.

The best tactic for fighting against Galilea: keep your distance, attack from behind where she can’t block with her shield, and keep her on the move so she can’t bunker down with Desecrate and Corruption.
Battleborn post-launch content detailed


Five add-on packs are planned for release post-launch. They’ll cost $4.99 each or $19.99 for a Season Pass including all five.

Each add-on pack includes one new Story Operation, as well as exclusive hero skins and taunts. These Player-versus-Enemy Operations will be replayable solo, co-operatively online, or split-screen, and let you experience new side-stories.

Free Updates

Five additional heroes will be added after launch, completely free, bringing the total roster of playable characters to 30.

Additionally, new competitive multiplayer modes, maps, balance updates, and community features will also be free.

The first of the five new heroes will be Alani, “a member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer, but forced to be a warrior, and is all that remains of her order after Rendain’s Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani’s attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn.”

PlayStation 4 players who participate in the upcoming Open Beta will instantly unlock Alani once she’s available after launch. Otherwise, she’ll be unlocked by playing through the game.