PC/Mac Borderlands 3 (Gearbox Software)

Troy Baker Won't Be Voicing Rhys in Borderlands 3, and He's None Too Happy About It

As shown in the reveal trailer, Borderlands 3 will be welcoming back a whole range of characters from across the series' universe, including Hyperion company man Rhys, originally portrayed by Troy Baker in the Tales of the Borderlands Telltale series. However, Baker seemingly won't be returning to voice the character in BL3, and he's about as happy about it as you'd expect.

"I'm sorry to break it to y'all, [but] that isn't me," Baker commented during a Q&A at a convention in Australia during the weekend [via GamesRadar], referring to Rhys' appearance in the Borderlands 3 reveal trailer. "If Gearbox decides that they’ll let me do it, that’ll be awesome," he added. "I have no idea. There was a possibility that I was gonna be in it, then I saw that epic, epic trailer, and everyone’s like 'oh my god, there’s Rhys!' And I went, 'well, there we go'."

He continued: "I’ve never done this before, but I would love for Gearbox to know that it’s not about me, it’s about that character... If they’re going to bring back characters from Telltale Borderlands, it should be the people that originated the characters."

Of course, Baker currently has a packed slate with the likes of Death Stranding and The Last of Us: Part 2, but it does seem odd that Gearbox wouldn't bring him in to lend his larynx to Rhys once more. And clearly, his disappointment at not being asked back to voice Rhys means he'd be more than willing to do it.

Borderlands 3 will be heading to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on 13th September 2019. You can find out everything we know about Borderlands 3 so far here.
São essas coisas que me estão a deixar um pouco perplexo. Várias pessoas importantes não voltaram para este terceiro jogo, e isso é... Estranho. Não estou a dizer que vai ser mau jogo, mas claramente que algo vai ter que mudar na narrativa e como querem falar desta nova fase do jogo.
Troy Baker Turned Down the Role of Rhys in Borderlands 3, Says Pitchford

Despite Tales of the Borderlands' Rhys making a comeback in Borderlands 3, as shown in the reveal trailer, Troy Baker won't be returning to the role. Initially, it appeared that Gearbox hadn't offered Baker the job, and as a result, the voice actor was none too pleased about it.

According to Gearbox head honcho Randy Pitchford, however, Baker actually turned the role down, which seems strange considering the voice of Bioshock Infinite's Booker DeWitt and Joel in The Last of Us took exception to the idea that the older, moustachioed version of Rhys will be voiced by someone else.

"I don't agree with [Gearbox] on how they're handling it..." he said. "I really want Gearbox to know that if they're going to bring back characters from Tales From The Borderlands. it should be the people who originated the characters. They shouldn’t just recast willy-nilly, because as a fan that matters to me."

However, Pitchford stated on Twitter that the studio's audio director told him that Baker had no interest in returning as Rhys, adding that he thinks it won't really make that much of a difference given the capacity in which the character will appear in Borderlands 3.

I guess we'll have to wait and see how this pans out, then. Borderlands 3 is out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on 13th September 2019. You can find out more in our Borderlands 3 info round-up here.
Borderlands 3 Will See Ashly Burch Reprising Her Role As Tiny Tina

While Troy Baker apparently won't be reprising his role as Rhys from Tales of the Borderlands for Borderlands 3, we can at least find some solace in the fact that Ashly Burch will be returning as the energetic, incorrigible, and inimitable Tiny Tina.

Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford confirmed as much, stating in a matter-of-fact manner, "yes she has returned" when asked whether Burch will be providing Tiny Tina's explosive, unhinged personality once again. Of course, when Tiny Tina returns in Borderlands 3, she won't be quite as Tiny as she was in Borderlands 2.

In Borderlands 2, Tina was thirteen years-old, so for the upcoming sequel, she'll be a fair few years older. Will her voice and persona be the same for Borderlands 3? Will there be more tea party and crumpet-based madness in store? And what of Butt Stallion from the Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep DLC?

We'll get to find out when Borderlands 3 launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on 13th September 2019.
Borderlands 3 Twitch Extension Will Enable You to Win In-Game Loot By Watching Streamers

Gearbox has announced that Borderlands 3 will be getting a new Twitch extension dubbed 'ECHOcast' that will enable viewers to interact with live streamers in an interesting way, giving you the chance to win in-game loot by linking your SHiFT account.

You'll even be able to bring up an interactive sidebar overlay showing what the streamer has in their backpack, revealing their loadout, skill tree and items that you can then "judge the hell out of". You'll see all of the stats and details on a Twitch streamer's loadout as you would in-game, by selecting each item.

Twitch viewers will also be able to interact with special chests when a streamer tracks one down, by choosing to opt-in to the event for the chance to win some in-game loot to take into their own Borderlands 3 playthrough. A winner is then picked at random and will then be given a chance to take a piece of loot of their choice from the prize chest. This will then appear in their own game, and will be scaled to their level.

To find out more about the Borderlands 3 ECHOcast Twitch extension, check out the Claptrap-narrated explanation video below. The Twitch extension will launch on 1st May for the game's live reveal even in LA, offering up the opportuity to bag some early loot that you'll be able to use when Borderlands 3 launches on 13th September for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Hmmmmm, isto em teoria parece bastante interessante, mas depois de tudo o que tenho lido de patentes que andou por aí, uma parte de mim está a sentir bastante comichão com toda a informação que estamos a dar nestas coisas... Ainda que a Gearbox não seja de levar as coisas por esses lados, já a Take 2...
Convém avisar que esse stream contém spoilers da história, mas também tem jogabilidade.

Gosto do aspecto, mantém o estilo de Borderlands, mas notei algumas pequenas melhorias nos efeitos visuais. Parece-me haver alguma evolução na luz e nos efeitos adicionais. Muitas novidades nas armas e nos seus efeitos também, os elementos novos são interessantes, e sinceramente, há mais possibilidade de fluidez no combate. 3 skills possíveis por personagem, em vez de 1, pareceu interessante. Veremos é se o balanço está no sítio.
Claptrap Voice Actor Releals Why He Won't Back For Borderlands 3

As you'll well know, everyone's favourite irritating robot Claptrap is returning in Borderlands 3, but as you may have noticed, his voice has changed ever so slightly. That's down to previous Claptrap voice actor David Eddings stepping away from the role having moved to Rooster Teeth prior to development on Borderlands 3.

Formerly Gearbox's Executive of License and Business Development, Eddings hasn't reprised his role as Claptrap because he apparently asked Gearbox if he could be paid this time, and the developer declined. Eddings tweets that he even offered to voice Claptrap for past royalties owed and an apology.

"Gearbox works to treat and compensate all voice actors at industry standards," a Gearbox rep told IGN. "We offer the opportunity for salaried employees to voice characters in the game, but is not a mandatory responsibility to their job requirements."

Further tweets from Eddings detail a spat between him and Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, with Eddings claiming that he was assaulted by Pitchford during GDC 2017, among other allegations. "I ultimately offered to do it for 'free' in exchange for past royalties owed plus an apology for something I’ve never spoken about publicly until now: Randy physically assaulted me in the lobby of the Marriott Marquis at GDC 2017," Eddings tweeted.

"I had a lot of mixed feelings when asked to reprise the role of Claptrap late last year and eventually realised I was willing to put differences aside and do something cool for Borderlands fans with my friends at Gearbox," Eddings continued.

"Personally, I think Randy’s been on tilt the last few years," he added. "He's not the victim he portrays himself to be. I even blocked him a couple years ago for stalking me on social media. Enough is enough."

Veteran voice actor Jim Foronda will be taking over as the voice of Claptrap in Borderlands 3, having previously worked with Gearbox on the likes of Borderlands 2 and Battleborn.

Borderlands 3 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on 13th September.
O Randy anda a cavar uns fossos muito estranhos, mas suponho que seja de esperar com a personalidade dele. E o que querem dizer com assaulted? Que houve batatada?
Pode não ter sido, as noções de agressão fisica pode mudar consoante a cultura, para nós agressão fisica por norma só acontece depois de ter havido uma discussão do género ofensas verbais e empurrões seguidos de batatada.
É muito provável que tivessem discutido e talvez o Randy o tenha empurrado ou tocado mais efusivamente isso para mim e para grande parte dos portugueses acontece antes de verdadeira agressão fisica que é andar à batatada.
Em certos paises um simples piropo é considerado crime...

Eu treino defesa pessoal muitas pessoas pensam que defesa pessoal é uma espécie de arte marcial o que não é, apenas são usados alguns conceitos de algumas, o krav maga actualmente é a derivação mais conhecida do conceito de defesa pessoal mas mesmo no krav maga já vendem muita palha.

Isto para dizer que as pessoas não estão habituadas ao contacto fisico bem como a certas situações de confronto, são muito raras as pessoas que passado meia duzia de treinos continuam a treinar..., defesa pessoal não têm nada de bonito é feio, prático e nada justo e quando as pessoas levam uma simples chapada na cara ou são intimidadas não conseguem lidar com isso a parte psicológica é tão importante como a parte fisica/técnica da coisa.

O mais certo é terem sido duas flores de estufa aos arrufos porque não estavam de acordo com algumas coisas e em algum momento a coisa ficou mais tensa, se tivesse havido batatada a sério do género humilhação seguido de uma carga de porradas o mais provável é que houvesse logo processos e indemnizações contra o agressor mas prontos tudo é possivel, generalizar este tipo de situações é complicado.

Quanto ao que interessa, espero que neste consigam criar um ambiente mais rico e uma campanha mais equilibrada, embora os anteriores estejam muito bons pelo menos para mim sinto que falta qualquer coisa que me prenda a sério ao universo do jogo. Tou mais curioso em relação ao Rage 2 mas serão 2 grandes jogos com certeza :)
Última edição:
Não duvido que nem tenha dado um empurrão, estes Norte Americanos dão nomes muito elaborados a tudo, um piropo para eles é uma agressão sexual, por exemplo. Quanto ao jogo em si gostei bastante do que vi, mas não ao ponto de ceder ao programa necessário para o correr, vou esperar que o jogo saia no Steam, já completamente estavel e com todos os DLC e a um bom preço.
Borderlands 3 Main Campaign is Around 35 Hours Long

Gearbox Software revealed in a recent interview that Borderlands 3's main campaign will be around 35 hours long when it releases later this year.

Creative director Paul Sage revealed in an interview with GamesBeat that it will take players quite a bit of time to complete the main campaign alone. The 35 hours doesn't include doing many of the side missions too so players can expect to be getting their hands on quite a hefty game when it releases in September.

"There’s so much to the game. We go to these different worlds. The length of the game being 35 hours, if you just go through the main story — that’s not including doing too many side missions. I think there was a lot of ambition right at the beginning," Sage revealed to GamesBeat.

Borderlands 3 will be heading to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on 13th September.