Multiplataforma Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Ok, eu sou o monkeyybruhh

já te adicionei!

pessoal vão partilhando as vossas IDs da Activision para ver se jogamos todos juntos!
Última edição:
Jogo é rei dos Bugs.
Para mim devia voltar a possibilidade de escolha dos mapas por votação e quando acaba o mapa a lobby devia se manter quem quiser sair que sai. Evitava-se andar sempre à procura de lobby.
Estes dois pontos haviam noutros CoD.

Cá está ele. Resumo de um comentário do reddit:

- Massive map, contains old maps such as Terminal, Scrapyard, Overgrown, Broadcast and some new areas. Chaos said it feels like you're never in a reskinned/copy pasted area. There are snowy areas.

-Free to play, no MW required but there is crossplay and saved progression.

- Player count of 150 but may possibly increase, solo's, duo's and trios.

- Weapon looting is guns only. No attachments, unless from supply drops. Health regeneration looks automatic.

- Two game modes - Main Warzone mode and then Plunder which is a respawn mode (seems to be cash based from the leaks)

-Features a Squad Leader jump-master thing, similar to Apex Legends (Squad leader, and leadership can be passed). You can see the cash of your team mates.

-The map is visually stunning according to Chaos, and when jumping, there is 3D text on top of the locations. There seems like a fair bit of verticality, especially in Downtown areas.

-Equipping armor plate seems almost instant.

-HUD has red dots, unsure if this is past/historic gunfire.

-There is a tactical map which shows the circle timer, Gulag matches etc.

-Vehicles include ATV, SUV, HELI, CARGO TRUCK and TAC ROVER.

-Locations - Dam, Miltary Base, Quarry, Airport, TV Station, Storage Town, Superstore, Boneyard, Train Station, Hospital, Downtown, Stadium, Lumber, Farmland, Prison (Gulag), Park, Port, Promenade East and West, Hills.

-Altitude meter, seems like you drop rapidly. You can cancel parachuting. Flares included when doing so.

- You spawn with a pistol, I counted 4-5 hits to down someone. 50 XP for downing, 500 XP for a kill.

-Two hitmarkers to kill in a downed state.

-Armor is automatic after equipping plates, seems like you can have up to 5. (Triangle to build).

-There are contracts with money, confirming the leaks e.g. collecting three crates.

-Ammo seems dumbed down, Assault rifle/LMG box x30.

-After killing a player, the loot just drops. There are no bags or going through the list of inventory like Blackout.

-Pinging returns, pinging locations, dangerous areas, enemy contact etc.

-I noticed when guns are picked up, the relevant ammo is next to it. Doesn't seem like you're going to be looking around too much for ammo drops.

-Loadout drops (like care packages), blueprints with weapon staches/caches - with a rarity symbol, I saw 3 out of 5 circles, maybe a reference to how many attachments equipped.

-Safe zone is gas, Chaos says the game plays/feels fast.

-Unsure of the maximum ammo count but at one point Chaos has 20/210 clipped for the SCAR.

-Lethals such as claymores, mines and grenades return.

-You can request buy back from squad to redeploy, and of course you can buy respawn tokens with the cash you earn.

-Ground war maps return (not much news).

-You get minimal ammo for the guns you pick up, just the one magazine.

-There are bounties, eliminating specific players - possibly MVP, rewarding cash. This is on a countdown.

-Gulag sequence is important. If you're killed or captured(?) you're a Prisoner of warzone, and taken to the prison cells. This has it's own animation.

-You watch others fight in the Gulag (extended version of the Gunfight map) in a 1v1 and there is a countdown until your turn.

-You can see this in realtime, so you can make callouts for your teammates, and even throw rocks at the enemy.

-Gulag 1v1 seems like randomised classes like Gunfight - example was Crossbow with Origin secondary, C4 and flash.

-Easter eggs all over map, Chaos gives the example of TV's showing Mile High Club mission.

-Vehicle controls seem smooth, unlike Blackout. Maybe the same as GW. Chaos recommends helicopters.

-Team mates can drop loot (duh).

-Revive team seems like five seconds, stim animation.

-Chaos says one of his concerns his killstreak spam, they can be bought and during the final circles, there were airstrike spam (there is a warning).
Última edição:
Este battle royale tem vários elementos retirados do BF e do Apex, não foram muito criativos

Então nos últimos círculos vai ser uma chuva de kill streaks tal como acontecia no firestorm.. meh :headsh: