Notícia Chamadas GRATUITAS do teu telefone (ou movel) para os teus contactos do SKYPE

nuno pastorinho

Power Member
Mani-Sky allows calls to Skype contacts from any mobile or fixed-line phone! ;)

By assigning real telephone numbers to Skype contacts, Mani-Sky makes them reachable using a standard telephone (fixed or mobile). No need for PC or Internet. The "alias" phone numbers - called Direct Numbers - can be saved in a mobile's address book, and can be called the usual way, for the price of a local call.

- Mani-Sky calls are FREE up to 3 minutes.
- Subscribe and get 6 months UNLIMITED CALLS for only $10 (the service is unlimited and free during the initial launch period)
- Works even if you don't have a Skype account
- No hidden costs