Cheating - Multiplayer Gaming's Achilles' heel?


Zwame Advisor

It's clear that cheating is a significant issue in both the online and offline multiplayer gaming communities. However, it's also clear that developers and third-party programmers are going to great lengths to keep cheats out of our games, and you can be sure to see a much higher grade of cheat protection being integrated into many upcoming titles. That said, it's unlikely that there'll ever be a way of completely eliminating cheating, as intelligent coders will always find a way to get around even the most stringent counter-measures. However, what these increased anti-cheating measures will do is greatly minimize the amount of cheats we do see, which should help to make our gaming experiences cheat-free... at least 90%+ of the time.

As protecções vão melhorar mas vai ser como a pirataria... há de sempre haver alguém a dar a volta ao esquema.
