DS Chrono Trigger DS (Square Enix)

Andava eu a procurar cenas da SEGA em forums e sites e de repente deparo-me com este trabalho! :wow:


Enquanto o jogo não chega...
Última edição:
O jogo está na E3:

The E3 demo of Chrono Trigger DS starts off with the anime scenes from the Playstation port. When you start a new game, you see the silent protagonist on the top screen and name the character on the touch screen. Going with “Chrono” is also an option, as there are more letters available for character names. Upon starting, the game cuts to the familiar overhead view of balloons rising from the Millenial Fair, and on the bottom screen is a parchment map of the continents surrounding Guardia.

There are some expansions to the dialog that add on to the original translation. In the Super Nintendo version, when Crono's mother awakens him at the game's outset, she keeps it short and to the point, saying, "Ah, Leene's Bell makes such beautiful music! You were so excited about the Millennial Fair that you didn't sleep well, did you…? I want you to behave yourself today!" Now she is a bit more chatty, saying, "Dear me, I forgot how beautiful Lenee’s bells sound. You must have been so excited about the Millenial Fair that you couldn’t sleep last night, could you? Well, you had better not let that giddiness get you into any trouble. I want you to behave yourself today!"

If you head off to Guardia Forest, you will face off against enemies popping out of the underbrush. Now there are two meters visible directly beside your character. The orange meter on the top shows your health and the green meter on the bottom charges while you get ready for the next attack. You can see the name of the enemies that you are battling on the touch screen, along with maps that are drawn as you explore the area. The map remains the next time you visit, so you know where to go.

When you pause the game and go to the menu screen, you can view your characters’ stats on the top screen, together with your current the location and the era, the time that has elapsed and your gold. There are icons you can select with the stylus for character equipment (armor and sword), items (a bag), enemy data (open book and magnifying glass) and techs (a lightning bolt). There are also options to change the party members and adjust the settings. The game can be navigated entirely by using the stylus. You move Crono around by dragging the pen over the map and navigate menus by selecting the icons on screen. Switching back and forth between touch and D-pad can be done at any time.

While it was not implemented at this point, a Square Enix representative said, there are plans to include the original single-screen version for purists. This will allow players to have the same gameplay experience as the Super Nintendo title. Details on the Wi-Fi features have yet to be revealed.
Fonte: http://www.siliconera.com/2008/07/15/testing-chrono-triggers-stylus-support/
:mad: O primeiro parágrafo... :mad:

O que tem?

The orange meter on the top shows your health and the green meter on the bottom charges while you get ready for the next attack. You can see the name of the enemies that you are battling on the touch screen, along with maps that are drawn as you explore the area.

Parece-me bem, pequenos detalhes...
Então por agora temos o uso da stylus para over o Chrono e menus, algo que já se estava à espera. Falta ver se vem mais qualquer coisa, tirando esse modo secreto Wireless :002:

Incluir o jogo na sua forma original? Hmmmm.........
Não percebo muito bem a opinião anti-FMV's que estou a ver aqui :S

Anime + Akira Toryama = Porreiro Pá

Eu gostei bastante da Intro e restantes FMV's da versão PS. Tudo bem que é um clássico (um dos meus jogos preferidos de sempre), mas também não percebia a razão deste lançamento se viesse uma versão 100% igual á versão original do jogo (SNES).

Anyway ... acho bem e apoio que dêm certas opções para permitir a maioria dos users que aqui comentaram jogarem uma versão "igual" á da SNES.
Anime + Akira Toryama = Porreiro Pá
São tão do Toryama como o Dragon Ball GT. Estilo Toryama sim, mas para mim, falta a personalidade.

Artwork de chrono trigger original de 1994:


para a de 1999 feita ao quilo:


Parecendo que não há diferença, chrono trigger tinha uma palete de cores mais aguarelada, menos constrastada, e um traço mais solto e mais leve/detalhado, menos "receita técnica" (ao quilo) à lá Dragon Ball GT... o Magus não parecia o vegeta, o Chrono não parecia o songoku com um penteado diferente... ou pelo menos, não tanto como na versão de 1999.

Arrisco-me muito a dizer... arte de 1994? Toryama. Arte de 1999 (incluindo FMV's) monges copistas escravos.

E isto sem ir sequer ao artwork do jogo:


Por exemplo. Tem as mesmas caracteristicas que as imagens acima, palete não excedentemente colorida aspecto agarelado, cores não tão vivas/garridas, desenhos não standard de toryama, um registo mais livre, com personalidade no traço.

Passámos para isto:


Se não é genérico, então não sei definir genérico no espectro do Toryama, e o meu problema é que... o original era tudo menos genérico.

While, for the most part, Chrono Trigger on the DS looks just like Chrono Trigger on the SNES, some liberties have been taken to make the use of the new, screenier hardware. I snapped this control scheme diagram from the Chrono Trigger demo station, figuring there may be someone out there interested in how it would play on the DS.

Oh, and I played it. The big revelation here is the touchscreen movement. The touchscreen (which displays an automap of the room you're in) basically acts as a big analog stick: hold the stylus toward the right of the screen and Crono moves right; hold it farther toward the edge and Crono moves faster. Tap, or run into something, to make Crono interact.

It's awesome if you want to have a really hard time performing basic movement operations in Chrono Trigger. But the traditional button controls remain more than adequate. It doesn't really mar the fact that it's OMG CHRONO TRIGGER. And battling on the touchscreen is perfectly fine -- you just touch buttons on a menu.

In other Chrono news, an SE rep told me that the translation (yes, it was the English version!) was new! And according to a statement given to Spencer Yip, the single-screen version just as it appeared on the SNES will be added to the cart before release.



E3 2008: Chrono Trigger Hands-on

Apparently, Chrono Trigger is a Very Big Deal Indeed. It's one of the most highly coveted Square RPGs this side of the Final Fantasy series, and when Square Enix revealed that the game would be making the move to the Nintendo DS gamers were both elated that their precious SNES game would return, and crushed that the game wouldn't show up on the Wii Virtual Console.

Chrono Trigger made an appearance at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, and it looks as good as the Super NES game did back more than a decade ago. Aside from a flashy full-motion video animated introduction and some snazzy touch-screen elements, the game's not trying to be much but a revival of the original 16-bit game, right down to the pixel art and 2D tiled worlds.

The Nintendo DS game was fully in English -- not surprisingly since the game's already been localized a couple of times prior, once on the Super NES, and a second time on the original PlayStation. The E3 demo started with the lead character Chrono (or whatever you decide to name him from the start) getting out of bed and heading off to the square to meet his crew who's set up their newest invention: a transporter. Along the way, Chrono meets up with a mysterious girl who ends up getting zapped through a portal after a transporter malfunction. Chrono hops off after her and the adventure begins.

The Nintendo DS version features a straightforward visual conversion, but the controls have been given a tweak or two: you can choose to play the game with traditional D-pad/button controls, or use the stylus on the touch-screen to maneuver the characters on the top-screen. The touch screen will have contextual buttons popping up to make navigating menus easier, but mostly the extra display is for a overview map of the area you're currently in. The DS game has an automapping feature for when you're exploring the monster-infested woods or other areas, drawing up the maze as you uncover it.

The touch screen works pretty well, but it gets a little awkward when you enter battles, as you have to choose your targets via buttons that don't directionally correspond to the enemy in the same way as the targeting system is controlled with directional-pad pushes.

But for the most part, the Nintendo DS game looks to retain much of what made the original Super NES game so awesome. It's tough to get the full experience of an incredibly deep role-playing game at an event such as E3, so we'll be sure to follow this hands-on with a deeper one after the show.


Confesso que nunca joguei este jogo na SNES, mas começo a ficar com vontadinha :]
Última edição:

Chrono Trigger DS subtitle or sign of a new Chrono game?

During E3 Square Enix trademarked Echoes of Time. Since the DS port of Chrono Trigger has been out of the bag for weeks this trademark could be a subtitle to the remake we already know about. Chrono Trigger: Echoes of Time sounds much better than Chrono Trigger DS. On the other hand, Square Enix never said Chrono Trigger was a temporary title. Publishers typically note these details to prepare everyone for a name change. When Star Ocean 4 was announced in Japan it was clearly labeled as a temporary title.

Square Enix may have plans on revitalizing the Chrono brand with a strategy similar to Valkyrie Profile. A port of the PsOne game came out on the PSP first and was quickly followed up with a proper sequel in the same year. I’m not saying Square Enix is going to release a brand new Chrono game this year, but it's a no brainer that they have plans on expanding the franchise. This trademark might be a pre-emptive clue or not. You decide.
Fonte: http://www.siliconera.com/2008/07/2...no-trigger-ds-or-a-sign-of-a-new-chrono-game/
Última edição:
São tão do Toryama como o Dragon Ball GT. Estilo Toryama sim, mas para mim, falta a personalidade.

Parecendo que não há diferença, chrono trigger tinha uma palete de cores mais aguarelada, menos constrastada, e um traço mais solto e mais leve/detalhado, menos "receita técnica" (ao quilo) à lá Dragon Ball GT... o Magus não parecia o vegeta, o Chrono não parecia o songoku com um penteado diferente... ou pelo menos, não tanto como na versão de 1999.

Arrisco-me muito a dizer... arte de 1994? Toryama. Arte de 1999 (incluindo FMV's) monges copistas escravos.

Por exemplo. Tem as mesmas caracteristicas que as imagens acima, palete não excedentemente colorida aspecto agarelado, cores não tão vivas/garridas, desenhos não standard de toryama, um registo mais livre, com personalidade no traço.

Se não é genérico, então não sei definir genérico no espectro do Toryama, e o meu problema é que... o original era tudo menos genérico.

Pois, nessa caso compreendo a tua opinião, o artwork mais novo parece cópia de certos designs. Por isso mesmo, se a única coisa que altera são os artworks, e refresquem-me lá a memória, eles chegam a aparecer durante o jogo ou só no final? É que imagina que uma pessoa joga 1º a versão PS e depois a SNES e nem dá muita importância ao artwork na altura? Se agora lhe dissessem que iam fazer um port do jogo, que versão é que ele escolheria? Escolhia a 1º versão que jogou ou vice-versa... depende sempre do ponto de vista que é visto 'a coisa' :002:

Em relação a outro Chrono, eu pergunto-me, o que é que deu à Square-Enix e afins para de repente, estarem numa spree de fazer jogos e ports? Saiu-lhes o Euromilhões x50 ? :D
Última edição:

Se for para financiar o que se fala que é... abençoado moneyhat :D

É que é mesmo, mas isto pode levar a que lhe saia o tiro pela culatra... a fazer tanto jogo e a judar neste ou aquele dá que pensar... :S Mas este já está no bom caminho por isso não há problema.

Pelo que me lembro... opening FMV (start menu em iddle) e fmv de ending.

Era dessas que me lembrava, pelo meio eram apenas sequências de história então, a mais marcante é quando aprendemos o passado do Magnus :002:
Referindo outra vez os artworks, quando andava na net à procura de imagens de jogos que gostava via sempre essas, mas simplesmente associei na altura, que era um estilo diferente do desenho, e não de diferentes versões.
Release Date... and price?

Parece que é verdade, se chegar antes do Natal dá-me tempo para encomendar :D

It's previously reported that Square Enix's Chrono Trigger for the DS will be having a holiday release, but so far we haven't got hold of an actual date or pricing...until now. Upon checking online retail store GameStop, Chrono Trigger for the DS is pegged for a December 1 release, with a price tag worth US$ 39.99.

We don't know about it's price tag, but the December 1 release date somehow looks like a placeholder. Some sources have said that if the 1st of the month tagged as the game's release date isn't on a Tuesday (in this case, December 1 falls on a Monday), it's probably a placeholder.

But that's alright - as long as the game ships before the year ends, we're going to be happy and shedding sentimental tears. We do hope that the US$ 40 is also a placeholder price, though. While we understand that getting the original game would obviously cost more, it's still a bit steep for what can be considered as a port.

Source: QJ.NET