Como prevenir o Windows 10 de usar a vossa banda para "seed" Actualizações


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How to prevent Windows 10 from using your Bandwidth

Windows 10 has the ability to use your own internet connection in order to seed it's own updates, which allows Windows 10 users to download their updates much faster than was possible with previous operating systems. This functionality does come with it's own drawbacks as it means that your OS will be automatically using your internet connection to do this, potentially making your internet seem slower.

As others may have thought already this option also allows other computers to connect to your Windows 10 based PC without your knowledge to download updates, which may be a concerning to many of you.

Thankfully this option can be disabled, allowing users to prevent others from connecting to your Windows 10 PC and preventing Microsoft from using your limited bandwidth. Here is how to do it.
Para quem tiver em casa um router de banda larga móvel com limite de 15 GB por mês e vários computadores, essa funcionalidade é boa se estiver ativada para apenas a LAN.