Comparação da Qualidade de Imagem da ATI Radeon 9700


I quit My Job for Folding
I think it can all be pretty much summed up by saying the Radeon 9700 Pro provides the best ratio of image quality with performance, period. Right now no other consumer card provides the level of performance we've seen with the image quality in games that you can achieve. High resolution Anti-Aliasing - this is really what it’s all about. We are able to play at 1600x1200x32 at 6X AA with 16X AF in some games. Other games like Unreal Tournament 2003 do put more stress on the video card. Playing around in UT 2003 I found that 1024x768 with 4X AA and Quality 16X AF was VERY playable all around. Other games like flight sims and racing sims benefit greatly from the improved images AA and AF provide.

(...)I can already attest that the Radeon 9700 Pro has the best Anti-Aliasing I have seen from a consumer card to date. With the frame rates the Radeon 9700 Pro achieves in Anti-Aliasing mode, there's no reason not to have some level of AA on at all times.


The overall image quality in terms of 2D, TVOut, DVD, and 3D color vibrance is exceptional. Obviously subject tests, but from someone who plays a lot of games, I really enjoyed playing them on the Radeon 9700 Pro. I have a lot of people ask me though, "What about the drivers?" And to that I say, what about them? No driver is perfect, not NVIDIA’s, not ATI’s, not Matrox's. Every driver for every video card has some kind of issues of its own that either you deal with and take the time to solve, or you give up and start flaming about it on message boards. I experienced NO problems with the drivers I used on the Radeon 9700 Pro. There were no weird glitches, no weird texture or artifact problems, no stability issues, and no installation problems. For me everything went smooth. There really is no question about it, if you want the best image quality and performance, the Radeon 9700 Pro is where it’s at right now.

GF4 Ti4600 4x AA

ATI Radeon 9700 Pro 4x AA

Epá isto é lindo! É outra dimensão jogar com Anti-Aliansing e Anisotropic Filtering! ;p

Epá... pelas pictures não noto diferença nenhuma.... além dos fps...

Existe alguma diferença na qualidade????
Devo estar a ficar vesgo.....
ya, nas escadas nota-se mais, na ti4600 nota-se umas inperfeiçoes. Se olhares para o pilar mais proximo de ti a esquerda, a parte que divide a base do topo, tem a meu ver mais defenicao na ati que na nvidia...
Essa atenção aos pormenores faz lembrar uma publicidade que vi na Eurosport a uma consola de jogos qualquer em que se jogava uma corrida de carros e se conduzia a uns 10KM/h para apreciar o por do sol :)

Acho ninguém joga Q3A à velocidade suficiente para perceber essas diferenças. Não digo que não sejam boas, mas é naquela...
Pois...tb concordo Strakata!
Axo que neste tipo de jogos, tudo se passa tao depressa que nem damos conta destes pormenores! Claro que se eles estiverem la tanto melhor, mas sinceramente impressiona-me mais os 400 fps ....:D
Eu noto uma grande dif de 70% :D

mas a ati tem melhor qualidade no fsaa e quanto as texturas , as desse mapa são simples demais para se comparar bem