Deluge problema

Tenho um problema com o deluge, perguntei no fórum do programa e um Português respondeu-me a dizer como resolver o problema, mas não percebo o que é para fazer. Podem ajudar-me sff

Arawn disse:

I just installed 0.9.07 in Windows XP Home, and I have the same problem. What happens is that deluge.exe has the path 'C:\Program Files\Deluge\...' hard coded, and since I'm portuguese (and so is KingstonLove, it seems), my Program Files folder is actually 'C:\Programas\...', so it can't find python.exe, obviously.

The solution? The developers have to fix it... :roll: Or install on 'C:\Program Files\...', so deluge.exe can find python.exe... UPDATE: the installer doesn't let change install folder... not even options to change anything related to installation... :shock:

Hope this helps to improve Deluge on Windows. I already enjoy it a lot on Linux. :D

UPDATE 2: SOLVED! I have to apologise to the developers. I just needed a night's sleep, and I solved the problem.

Deluge is written in Python, and last night I wasn't thinking clearly. Today I checked the scripts '...\Deluge\scripts\' and '...\Deluge\scripts\' and there it is, the hard coded path. I changed it to 'C:\Programas\Deluge\...' and it worked! :D

So, anyone who hasn't a English based Windows, or doesn't install by default on 'C:\Program Files\...', should edit these 2 scripts and change the path. Done!

As a suggestion to the developers, I think these scripts should be generated during the install, with the correct path.
tens que abrir aqueles 2 ficheiros com o notepad e alterar o que diz c:\program files\deluge blablabla, para c:\programas (se tiveres o windows em português).