Xbox 360 Devil May Cry 4

jogo de 2008?

Devil May Cry 4 is the fourth installment in Capcom's demon-hunting series, but this time it stars a new character, Nero, and his powerful demonic arm.

Vamos ver se este jogo vai ser mais uma bomba de 2008,Enjoy!




Nunca joguei a nenhum dos anteriores (visto que já vai no 4)

Este jogo é tipo quê?
RPG, Acção ou algo diferente?
O objectivo é só cascar em monstros ou tem história?

Pelos gráficos parece ser bom ;)
Nunca joguei a nenhum dos anteriores (visto que já vai no 4)

Este jogo é tipo quê?
RPG, Acção ou algo diferente?
O objectivo é só cascar em monstros ou tem história?

Pelos gráficos parece ser bom ;)

Sobretudo acção. Sistema de combate fantástico, dando muito ênfase às combos.

Quanto à história... de certeza que não será por aí que o jogo se vai destacar :P
Não é má de todo, mas foca-se mais nas excelentes personagens que tem (Dante que é o principal, Trish, Lady, Vergil e agora o recente Nero) do que propriamente no argumento em si. No entanto este 4 parece melhorar nesse aspecto.

Vê este trailer:

É do melhor mesmo ;)
Nunca joguei a nenhum dos anteriores (visto que já vai no 4)

Este jogo é tipo quê?
RPG, Acção ou algo diferente?
O objectivo é só cascar em monstros ou tem história?

Pelos gráficos parece ser bom ;)

basicamente é mesmo só cascar :-D

o primeiro foi dos primeiros jogos que tive pra ps2 e ja estava muito a frente na altura.. so espero e qe este 4 nao saia como nuns videos que sairam a uns tempos.. pareciam graficos de ps2..
Sou capaz de investir neste jogo, é diferente dos meus géneros favoritos mas a variedade é sempre positiva (desde que tenha qualidade)

O video está muito fixe.:)
Porque é que cada vez que venho à secção xbox fico com aquela sensação de "Pimba a sony perdeu mais um exclusivo"?

Porque normalmente é isso que tem acontecido :-D

Acho que este talvez tenha sido o exclusivo mais importante que a Sony perdeu. Mas foi esta a opção da Capcom, tornar-se multi-plataforma praticamente na sua totalidade. Mesmo assim tanto a Xbox 360 como a PlayStation 3 têm exclusivos que baste para fazerem boa figura, isso é o mais importante.

Espero que esta thread não descambe para aquilo que eu estou a pensar :P
versao longa do trailer com 3:30 min

Novas scans aqui.

Review do novo demo pela IGN:

We've been following Devil May Cry 4 for quite a while, but one question started to continually pop up whenever we saw the title at events: when will we see anything new for the game? We'd played through the same levels since March, defeating Berial multiple times, smashing our way through frost demons and patchwork beasts with little effort. But we really couldn't wait to see something, anything new on the game. At Capcom's recent Gamer's Day event, Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi pulled back the curtain on his title, revealing the game on both the PS3 and 360, with a number of new and exciting elements.

The first thing that Kobayashi did was show the tutorial fight between Dante and Nero in the cathedral. We've continually seen this battle in trailers, but we'd not seen the battle actually go down the way it will in the full game. Apart from gaining a sense of the battle mechanics with the Blue Rose and Red Queen, the entire purpose of the tutorial battle was to teach players how to use the Devil Bringer to slam Dante into the ground three times, which would then precipitate a true boss battle. However, even Kobayashi admitted that the tuning for the title that was running on a debug PS3 was off, as Dante proceeded to hand a severe beating to Nero.

Kobayashi then treated us to a second new section of the game, which took place at the start of Mission 3, with Nero trying to get to Fortuna Castle. For the purposes of the demonstration, he had supercharged Nero's abilities, letting him charge his pistol with a powered up shot. Even more impressive, this allowed him to show off the full nature of the Devil Bringer arm. Much more than a simple force projection of the arm to snag enemies or move from location to location, the most powered up state of the Devil Bringer projects a spirit from Nero's body, which allows him toss multiple flying blades when he fires his gun, or to land multiple strikes on monsters with his sword. This is further augmented with the Exceed system, which lets him boost his sword strikes and make blows even more powerful when they connect with opponents. In fact, just about every move performed with this heightened Devil Bringer spirit (particularly when revved up with Exceed power) was more exaggerated and dramatic that we've seen in any footage of the game.

From there, Kobayashi felt that the press needed to see an amusing cutscene, so he quickly showed a cutscene that "introduced" Gloria. While elements of this cutscene were evident in the TGS trailer, the acrobatic and overtly sexual nature of Gloria both as a character and as a fighter definitely stood out to Nero, and it was pretty apparent that the new hero of the DMC4 series really didn't know how to handle this new member of his order. Kobayashi was definitely pleased with the reaction of the press to the fight as well as the overall cutscene - in fact, during the question and answer period, he even went so far as to mention that Gloria was his favorite female character, which was simply evident by the cutscene itself.

To wrap up the presentation with Nero, Kobayashi showed off a fight with the jungle boss, or the floating snake beast that has been scattered through trailers. After an extended cutscene where Nero ran along its back and futilely rammed the Devil Bringer into its scales, he finally managed to get to a clearing to take on the beast, which had a demonic woman inside of its mouth. Here, it was pointed out that searching for and exploiting the weakness of the monster was the primary key, and once it was revealed that the glowing "egg sac" of the beast was the target, Nero proceeded to hack and slash at its soft underbelly, causing it to writhe in pain. Again showing off the augmented attacks from the powered up Devil Bringer spirit, Kobayashi quickly smashed his way through the boss, stopping the game before any more story spoilers could be revealed.

The demonstration quickly switched over to a debug 360, which looked exactly the same as the PS3 version, except that Kobayashi then proceeded to show off Dante on Microsoft's system. Now that the secret of Dante's inclusion in the game has been known, the development team has been looking forward to releasing details about the favorite character in the series. The first thing that was shown were the various fighting styles that Dante has within the game. DMC3 fans will recognize the inclusion of the Trickster, Royal Guard, Swordmaster and Gun Slinger styles as variations on the attacks that Dante can pull off with his weapons. However, these were just the tip of the iceberg as far as DMC 4 was concerned. In fact, Kobayashi was quick to point out that they had a greater application with the new weapons that Dante acquired in the game.

The first weapon that he showed was Gilgamesh, the metallic gauntlets and boots that strengthened Dante's melee strikes. Obviously, the ability to project spikes from his hands and elbows, as well as having saw blades on the heels of his boots made his attacks much more dangerous. But Kobayashi pointed out that Dante could power up his fists, and if he happened to be in the Sword Master Style, Dante could even pull off Dragon Punches a la Ryu from Street Fighter. Unfortunately, he had trouble showing the full force of the attack, as the monsters in the demo continually avoided his blows. However, the animation and the visual of Dante landing a Dragon Punch was particularly cool.

Kobayashi then moved on to highlight a second new weapon called Lucifer, which appeared to be metallic wings that attached themselves to Dante's back. In fact, the wings seemed to be more like a backpack that allowed him to project blades of energy towards his opponents that hung in mid-air. Dante could toss a number of these projectiles, and then, with a quick flick of the wrist, he'd throw a rose, which would cause the blades to explode and cause damage to anything in their radius. It appeared to be a more defensive weapon than anything, but Kobayashi pointed out again that with the Sword Master fighting style, you could reposition these energy blades around your body, effectively creating a shield that was impenetrable, or move them into a position that would automatically harm monsters.

Of course, the best was kept for last, which was Pandora's Box. At first, it appeared to be a simple briefcase that Dante carried, and when it was kicked open, it would stun monsters. However, there was more than met the eye, and as Kobayashi entered button combos, we were shown the full power of this awesome weapon. Pandora's Box literally transforms into numerous weapons that Dante can use to put some serious pain on demons. One form turned the box into a chaingun, while another created a bow that launced explosive darts. A third brought out a cannon, while a fourth created a gigantic laser. Dante was also able to throw the Box like a bladed boomerang to harm distant enemies, which set up the coup de grace: Pandora's Box can actually turn into a floating mobile missile platform, complete with cannons that fire in 360 degrees. When asked by a journalist how the game would balance such an awesome weapon, Kobayashi laughed and remarked that the weapon would have a gauge attached to it, and that you would have to power up the gauge to be able to achieve any of these forms with the weapon. Obviously, he said, the missile platform would be the most complex one to acquire because it was so powerful.

The demo was concluded with a question and answer period, where Kobayashi pointed out that the game is not two separate stories as previously thought, but instead one massive tale where the player will start and finish the Nero part of Devil May Cry 4 before picking up as Dante and finishing the entire game. There won't be an option to play through the entire title solely as one character or the other, either. There will be a large number of extras, and while he wasn't willing to discuss the possibility of downloads, he mentioned that the reward structure, rankings and achievements would be the same for both the PS3 and 360 versions of the game, which will run in 16:9 and 4:3 at 720p and 60 frames a second. We'll have more on Devil May Cry 4 as soon as it becomes available.

demo de no princípio de 2008


A demo de Devil May Cry 4 vai ser lançada no princípio de 2008 e vai conter várias secções de todo o jogo, segundo a Capcom. O objectivo, segundo a mesma, é demonstrar a variedade dos locais e permitir que os jogadores se familiarizem com as habilidades de Nero.

A cidade costeira Fortuna e os cenários que a rodeiam - como o porto e as montanhas cobertas de neve - vão estar disponíveis em todo o seu detalhe. Além disso, vão receber instruções sobre a execução de determinadas acções do Devil Bringer, como atirar criaturas contra o chão, cobrir grandes distâncias num único salto ou agarrar em inimigos enquanto estão no chão ou no ar para os puxarem contra Nero, de modo a darem continuidade à combo. Vão também ter contacto com o sistema Exceed, que permite ao protagonista pegar no punho da espada e "acelerá-lo" (como se fosse uma mota), para desferir poderosos ataques.

De resto, quando dominarem todos estes controlos, vão poder enfrentar Berial, o enorme demónio de fogo que apareceu já em vários trailers.


Mais um must buy, sem dúvida. Já se sabe o dia em que sai a demo? Tinha lido que era algures no início do próximo ano, provavelmente no próximo mês, dado que o jogo sai em Fevereiro.