PlayStation Devil May Cry (reboot da série, Ninja Theory)

Simplificando as coisas, Vergil no DmC é um pãozinho sem sal. No DLC, Vergil entra numa procura por poder (consequência dos eventos do final do jogo). Basicamente, o que torna interessante o DLC, é que vemos uma metamorfose no Vergil.
Última edição:
sim mas em termo de comportamente? continua como no main game ou muda drásticamente para um comportamento mais agressivo. O que eu gostava no vergil de DMC 3 era o comportamente calmo frente aos problemasque se punham no caminho dele o que deixava adivinar que ele era poderoso.
No inicio, o comportamento do Vergil é o mesmo do DmC, mas vai mudando progressivamente ao longo DLC. No final, Vergil fica mais parecido com o do DMC3.
Acabei-o mesmo agora e adorei o jogo. Apesar das mudanças (afinal isto é um reboot) manteve a essência da série. Gostei muito do sistema de combate, porque ao simplificar ficou tudo mais intuitivo.
joguei o demo e achei o jogo porreiro
alguem me sabe dizer onde arranjo o jogo o mais barato possivel?nem que seja usado
os sites que conheço esta tudo a 25 euros mas eu queria ver se arranjava por menos que isso

ps-nao compro de sites de fora tipo amazon e esses assim..costumo comprar os jogos com pagamento a cobrança
DmC: Devil May Cry Ultimate Releasing on PS4 and Xbox One Soon, Announcement at GamesCom 2014?

The retailer listed the something called as DmC: Devil May Cry Ultimate for Playstation 4 and Xbox One. You can check out the box art below. Videoigr has a pretty good track record of leaking game way before its official announcement. This is the same retailer that listed Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag before official reveal/announcement.

Ai querem mais DMC? então comprem o jogo, outra vez, que a maior parte dos fãs não gostou, vai buscar...

Fica aqui a lista de melhorias, que não inclui uma das minhas grandes queixas, inimigos coloridos:

  • 60 fps and 1080p resolution — It looks and feels super smooth to play.
  • Uprezzed Graphics — Including textures, characters, and cinematics.
  • Big Bundle of Content — The game includes DmC: Devil May Cry, plus all released DLC: Vergil’s Downfall campaign, 3 Dante skins, 3 Dante weapon skins, and the item finder.
  • New Skins — 2 new character skins. Devil May Cry 1 Dante and Classic Vergil.
  • Turbo Mode — Turbo Mode returns to the Devil May Cry series, with the game running 20% faster in this mode.
  • Hardcore Mode — Hardcore mode retains the experience of DmC, but with a throwback to the classic Devil May Cry games in terms of balance. In this mode, which can be toggled on all difficulty levels, the style system has been rebalanced to make ranking up much harder and ranks deteriorate much quicker. In addition, Devil Trigger doesn’t launch enemies into the air, parrying takes more skill, and all enemies hand out more damage.
  • Manual Target Lock — We’ve seen more requests for this than any other feature! The manual target lock works as closely to the classic Devil May Cry lock on as possible and has fully configurable controls.
  • Vergil Bloody Palace — Only second to Manual Target Lock in terms of the number of fan requests! This is a new Bloody Palace mode featuring 60 levels and Vergil as the playable character.
  • Must Style Mode — This is a hardcore modifier on an epic scale that can be played over any difficulty level. Players must be at an S rank or higher to deal any damage to enemies.
  • Gods Must Die Difficulty Mode — This is DmC Definitive Edition’s hardest difficulty mode. It takes DmC’s ridiculously hard Dante Must Die mode and adds a touch more punishment: All enemies spawn with Devil Trigger active and no items or health drops can be used.
  • Rebalanced and Retuned — We’ve studied fan feedback and made a whole host of tweaks and balance changes. The style system has been rebalanced, as have bosses. Exploits have been fixed in combat and some of Dante’s moves rebalanced, such as the Demon Evade. Gameplay tweaks have been made following hardcore player testing; frames have been removed from Kablooey shots, Parry/Evade windows adjusted, and collectibles, keys and doors redistributed.
  • Integration of Popular Community Mods — DmC Definitive Edition includes community mods such as an optional timer disable for Bloody Palace Mode, a triple dash for Angel Evade, and the ability to hit red and blue enemies with any weapon.
  • New Cutscene — an added cinematic scene that never made it into the original.
Nunca joguei a um Devil May Cry a sério, apenas testei a demo deste DmC para PS3 e não desgostei... na vossa opinião que tenham jogado à versão completa da PS3 acham que será uma boa aquisição a Definitive Edition?
Review Round Up - DmC: Definitive Edition

Gamespot – 9
Game Informer – 9
IGN – 8.9
The Jimquisition – 8.5
God is a Geek – 9.5
Videogamer – 9
USgamer – 4.5/5