Dfi CFX3200 [overclocking e infos]

Já tenho net pois :P Os animais da netcabo mandam-me uma factura de 150€ quando vou reclamar eram 18€... Fiquei fdd com eles... Mas pronto, água tou à espera de saber da gráfica... Se o RMA falhar tem de ficar os €'s pra nova...
Crazy Inside disse:
Pessoal tenho aqui uma duvida.

É Preciso ou nao realmente uma Grafica Master para fazer CrossFire?!

Queres fazer crossfire com a x1800xt?!

Ja ouvi falar que para fazer crossfire com x1800xt nao era preciso mastercard,nao tenho certezas, acho que este link fala sobre isso Clica aqui

X1800 & X1900 Series Crossfire

With the arrival of the X1800 series, the limit on Crossfires resolution was removed, due to a move to dual Link DVI and an upgraded compositing chip. Along with the vastly increased performance of both the X1800 and X1900 series over the X800 series, it made Crossfire a much more likely competitor to 7 Series SLI.
There are other advantages being talked about, such as the introduction of mastercard-less X1800 series crossfire in a future driver update. X1600 series crossfire can already be enabled without a mastercard or crossfire cable if you are in need of a midrange solution. All this enhances Crossfires appeal.
In many tests now X1900 series Crossfire is proving to be the performance leader where mutli-GPU systems are concerned.
Your can find more details on X1800 series crossfire HERE, HERE and HERE and dont forget GURU 3D's take either!
You can find details on X1900 series crossfire as part of Anandtechs X1900 review, as well as HERE, HERE and of course on GURU 3D

Última edição:
Radeon Force disse:
Xii o god a ir para agua eheheh entao e as tornado LOL noise fanatic:-D :x2:

LOL ! Duas Tornados e um Big Typhoon e de janela aberta durante a noite e tinha 45º em idle com 1.5v axas k as tornados chegam ? :P