

Power Member
Isto é materia riquissima q aprendi por meios de leitura ,é um livro tao bom q recomenderia a toda a gente ,mas é a minha opiniao apenas.
na altura pensava usar este metodo ,mas nao cheguei a por em pratica ,talvez a mior parte da vcs ja saiba fazer ..

10.2.2 Linux

Most of the tools coming from the “black-hat” community are designed to run on Linux or another UNIX flavor. This makes understanding UNIX commands and functionality a required skill set for penetration testing. Solaris x86, Debian, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD are popular operating systems for testing as well. Install and run each operating system and use the one that matches your tastes and preferences.

We have found that a dual-boot system running Red Hat Linux with Windows NT Workstation 4.0 to be a good mix for our needs since it allows us to use both the NT-specific and UNIX-specific tools. Windows NT Workstation and Linux offer the functionality and flexibility to provide access to the information we need. Windows NT Workstation is required for some commercial scanners that do not operate from Windows NT Server.

A notebook computer with a dual NT/UNIX boot gives you the features and functionality of both operating systems without having to carry two computers. In addition, load the NT Resource Kit for Workstation on the NT partition and load the tools presented in this book as needed. There are several methods and software packages that enable dual booting between operating systems, including Boot Magic, System Commander, LILO Boot Manager (Linux), and VMware. Any of these packages can achieve the desired boot options. Both Boot Magic and System Commander are relatively easy to install and configure. They both require you to partition your hard drive with a separate partition for each operating system. Partitioning is not difficult but it does reduce the amount of available space for each operating system. Partition Magic is a popular product for “on-the-fly” disk partitioning, and it comes with the Boot Magic multiple operating system boot menu. Make sure your hard drive is large enough to be partitioned to accommodate two operating systems. A 6GB hard drive should provide more than enough room, but the additional software greatly reduces the available space. Add to that the output and reports and the hard drive becomes quite crowded. We have found 10GB hard drives to be sufficient for now.

One of the disadvantages of partitioning your hard drive and using Boot Magic or System Commander is that you will need to reboot your system each time you need to change operating systems. Rebooting can be time consuming, but you gain the advantage that the operating system you use will be able to fully use the system hardware and processing power.

ja agora a fonte é um livro chamado : Hack IT_Security Through Penetration Testing
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ha uma coisa engraçadissima q o autor fala no livro , ele diz q ha parte das pessoas q pouco percebem de "informatica" q tem o seu tempo demasiado ocupado para pensar em se proteger ,ha aqueles "Hacker's" a q nao lhe falta tempo para estudar e se dedicar a este assunto . isto dito assim de uma forma de como quem ja nao tem memoria do q leu ,mas ta lindo.
é um livro tao bom q mesmo q se ignore a materia da gosto de ler ,depois o profissionalismo de estes homens e a maneira como exporam imediatamente as vulnerabilidades ,ainda nao aqueceram a cadeira ,ja estao la dentro .

"A notebook computer with a dual NT/UNIX boot gives you the features and functionality of both operating systems"isto neste caso so serve para podermos correr as ferramentas necessarias ,sem stresses de compactibilidade . é o q ele diz
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