Duvida board M2npv-MX


Power Member
Boas ppl, alguem sabe se ha vmods pra esta board? Com um vmod é possivel controlar o vcore n e? Sei que ha bios mods para a irma dela (M2npv-VM) agora nao sei se funcionarao na MX, é q as boards sao iguaizinhas a VM apenas traz o firewire, se for tirar o autocolante á minha o modelo q está cravado na board é mm o VM, axam que da? alguem q tenha uma board destas? Obrigado
Hi, lostedsoul...

SInce i dont't speak portuguese...you'll have to translate...sorry..

I have the ASUS M2NPV-VM, which is the same board with yours...

I have done with success the pencil mod for vdimm from ocforums.com...and i am now working the board with 2.14V for DDR2...(Bios Setting @ 1.9V - Bios 1201)

I am working out a vcore mod...if i have time i'll try modding the ADP3186 which is responsible for the Vcore...Try locating pin No.8 (see pinout)

For now i am working the board with a Sempron 3000+ 1.6G @ 2.0G (onboard VGA) as a storage server...The cpu is pin-modded according to the guide by ocinside.de @ 1.35V...

Hope i helped...

P.S. : If i complete the Vcore mod, i will post it give feedback here &/or @ the vdimm thread @ ocforums.com...