Evento E3 2018 (Conferências 9 a 13)

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Está aqui um quadro síntese com os horários de todas as conferências desta E3. @ValtermcPires junta aí no 1º post

O que interessa para o horário PT, é a linha correspondente a Londres (BST)

Última edição:

Devolver Digital is once again tempting fate and holding Devolver Digital’s Big Fancy Press Conference 2018 on Sunday, June 10 @ 8PM Pacific live from the Dave Lang Memorial Convention Center via Twitch.

This year’s Big Fancy Press Conference will feature real, actual game reveals and technological innovations from Devolver Labs, the research and development arm of Devolver Digital responsible for last year’s Earliest Access program and making ‘throwing money at the screen’ a valid form of payment. There will almost certainly be blood, possibly loss of life.

Potential concurrent viewers are encouraged to re-watch last year’s press conference as this year’s event aims to extend the Devolver Digital Press Conference Cinematic Universe (DDPCCU) through the blatant reuse of jokes and vague callbacks to the original. Pray for us.

O famoso mural da E3 já praticamente pronto


Entretanto, ficam aqui os horários de todas as conferências (agora, também com a Devolver Digital) (@ValtermcPires podes atualizar no 1º post). Para PT, o horário a ter em conta é de Londres (BST)

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