erro directX


Power Member
boas... ao tentar mudar algumas configs de video no COD4 (mudar pra 800x600 por ex) o jogo sai e da este erro:

ja instalei outra x o DX k vem com o jogo e continua na mm...
pois tinha mm acabado de o fazer antes de jogar... tinha jogado a demo de cod4 con as drives antigas e n dava esse erro...

foltei agora a instalar outra x e perarei k so da esse erro em multiplayer pk em single n da erro nenhum...
Última edição:
googlei 1 pouco e descobri isto:

Make sure your system meets the [URL=""]minimum system requirements[/URL] of the game.

If you have Xfire installed try shutting down Xfire before launching the game. We have seen issues where running Xfire in the background can cause this issue.

Make sure you have the latest [URL=""]video[/URL] and [URL=""]sound[/URL] card drivers from the manufacturers' websites.

Make sure that you have the correct Windows monitor profile installed for your monitor. Using the Default Monitor profile or the Plug and Play monitor profile may cause problems in certain circumstances.

This may also happen if you do not have the newest version of DirectX 9.0c installed. Try installing the latest version of DirectX 9.0c (found on the game disc, or [URL=""][/URL]). This is true even for Vista owners using DX10.

problema resolvido. no meu caso era do Xfire...

algum mod k meta Sticky em Jogos e Consolas se virem k é caso disso...
