Existe alguma maneira de aceder a ficheiros/pastas não partilhados através de lan?


Power Member
Bem, a pergunta parece e soa a muito hack, mas é apenas curiosidade, e não estou a procura de nada tipo 1000 linhas de código e um programa xpto.

Simplesmente li isto noutro forum:
If he has file and print sharing turned on, you can access the root shares on any of his HD's. The root shares are hidden (you don't see them in Network Neighborhood, for example) but they're still there. They're named after the drive letter, followed with the dollar sign character. So:


etc. So all you need to do is "net use x: \\hiscomp\c$" to map your x: drive (or whatever drive letter you want) to the root of his c: drive. Once you're there, you can do whatever you want.

You can lock down the root shares (also called the administrative shares) in WinNT or 2K, or use NTFS file permissions to keep nogoodniks away. I don't have a 9x machine in front of me right now, but I think you can stop sharing the root shares by right clicking on the drive in Explorer or my computer and turn off sharing there. But when you reboot, they'll be shared again.

Moral of the story: Don't have file and print sharing turned on unless you know everybody who's plugged into your cable."

Como sou totalmente n00b em redes, não faço a ponta de ideia do que se trata.

Se for contra as regras do forum, por favor apaguem de imediato a thread, não pretendo causar nenhum problema na segurança das redes de ninguém!
Bem, a pergunta parece e soa a muito hack, mas é apenas curiosidade, e não estou a procura de nada tipo 1000 linhas de código e um programa xpto.

Simplesmente li isto noutro forum:
If he has file and print sharing turned on, you can access the root shares on any of his HD's. The root shares are hidden (you don't see them in Network Neighborhood, for example) but they're still there. They're named after the drive letter, followed with the dollar sign character. So:


etc. So all you need to do is "net use x: \\hiscomp\c$" to map your x: drive (or whatever drive letter you want) to the root of his c: drive. Once you're there, you can do whatever you want.

You can lock down the root shares (also called the administrative shares) in WinNT or 2K, or use NTFS file permissions to keep nogoodniks away. I don't have a 9x machine in front of me right now, but I think you can stop sharing the root shares by right clicking on the drive in Explorer or my computer and turn off sharing there. But when you reboot, they'll be shared again.

Moral of the story: Don't have file and print sharing turned on unless you know everybody who's plugged into your cable."

Como sou totalmente n00b em redes, não faço a ponta de ideia do que se trata.

Se for contra as regras do forum, por favor apaguem de imediato a thread, não pretendo causar nenhum problema na segurança das redes de ninguém!

Não é hack nenhum, chamam-se shares administrativos, se fores administrador da maquina cliente e te ligares pela rede com essas credênciais consegues aceder aos shares "$", estes são criados por defeito na instalação do SO, e são acessiveis por \\"Maquina"\'Driver Letter'$ (exemplo: \\Laptop-kaYle\C$).

Estes shares administrativos já não acessiveis por rede em Vista se o UAC estiver activo e não estiveres num dominio (apenas o administrador de dominio tem acesso a estes pela rede).
Esta restrição é ultrapassada com uma alteração no registo, não me lembro qual, mas o google ajudará se precisares ;)
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