Fanboy Check Test

Sou fanboy

O meu deu Super Fanboy.

Nintendo Fanboy: 1%
Sony Fanboy: 72%
Microsoft Fanboy: 14%

This means you're: Sony Fanboy.

Gosto MUITO DA SONY e em especial da PS3.
Nintendo Fanboy: 10%
Sony Fanboy: 44%
Microsoft Fanboy: 8%

This means you're: Somewhat Fanboy​

Well, you like Sony the best, but you aren't in love with them. Guess you're really not in love with video games period... or at least you're not obsessed with them. Which may not be a bad thing.
Nintendo Fanboy: 58%
Sony Fanboy: 26%
Microsoft Fanboy: 22%
This means you're: Somewhat Fanboy
What does it mean?
Well, you like Nintendo the best, but you aren't in love with them. Guess you're really not in love with video games period... or at least you're not obsessed with them. Which may not be a bad thing.
hum.... vá lá até sou um bocadinho....

Nintendo Fanboy: 19%
Sony Fanboy: 33%
Microsoft Fanboy: 53%
This means you're: Not a fanboy
What does it mean?
You like all the systems pretty equally, or at least don't love any of thes systesms. Good for you, you like vareiety.

A Revolution é o nome "antigo" da Wii...
Nintendo Fanboy: 19%
Sony Fanboy: 38%
Microsoft Fanboy: 11%
This means you're: Not a fanboy

Nada de novo...:)
Nintendo Fanboy: 30%
Sony Fanboy: 40%
Microsoft Fanboy: 38%

This means you're: Not a fanboy

What does it mean?

You like all the systems pretty equally, or at least don't love any of thes systesms. Good for you, you like vareiety.

Acho que mais equilibrado é dificil :D

Fikem bem!
Comecei a responder mas ainda nem ia a meio e já tava a ficar farto dum teste tão infantil e com tanta pergunta para a qual não tenho resposta. Resumindo: perda de tempo.