file manager


olá estou tendo aqui um problema
estou tentando por um gestor de ficheiros da (
em um painel mas não estou conseguindo fazer a ligação via base de dados
alguém me pode ajudar ?

já tentei assim

;<?php /* do not delete this line!

;include "../inc/conecta.php";
;$dados_1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user where id = '".$_SESSION["id_login"]."'"));

ftpHost = "$dados_1["ftp_host"]";
ftpUser = "$dados_1["ftp_ip"]";
ftpPassword = "$dados_1["ftp_senha"]";
ftpPort = 21;
ftpPassiveMode = yes;
ftpSSL = no;
; use FTPS - requires PHP 4.3.0 or higher with OpenSSL support


; HTTP authentication; leave empty if your server doesn't require authentication
; NOTE: this is only for FileManager itself, not for FileManager users!
authUser = ""     ; user name
authPassword = "" ; password


; see FileManager folder languages for available languages
language = "en"

; server locale setting, example: en_US - leave empty to use your server's default setting
locale = ""

; server character set, example: ISO-8859-1; set to UTF-8 for systems like Ubuntu
encoding = "ISO-8859-1"

; date-time format for listing entries; for format specifiers see
; NOTE: %c uses the server's locale setting (see above)
dateTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"


; FileManager's data directory (file path, example for local mode: /home/users/gerry/htdocs/files)
; NOTE: must be an absolute path in local mode and a relative path in FTP mode
rootDir = ""

; open this directory by default (file path, example: "files/images"
; NOTE: this path is relative to FileManager's data directory
defaultDir = ""

; only view these directories; example: "www,uploads" - leave empty to view all directories
; NOTE: this will only work within FileManager's data directory
startSubDirs = ""

; view files/directories containing this string when starting FileManager
startSearch = ""

; FileManager password protection; leave empty if you don't need it
; separate multiple passwords by a comma: "myPwd1,myPwd2,myPwd3"
; add data directories like this: "myPwd1::/home/users/peter/htdocs, myPwd2::/home/users/mary/htdocs"
; NOTE: password-bound data directories will override variable rootDir!
loginPassword = ""


; FileManager WEB path (example: [http://domain]/tools/filemanager)
; NOTE: only set this if FileManager doesn't view properly!
fmWebPath = ""

; FileManager width; percent (e.g. "100%") or pixels (e.g. 700)
fmWidth = "100%"

; FileManager height; percent (e.g. "100%") or pixels (e.g. 700)
fmHeight = "100%"

; FileManager margin (pixels)
fmMargin = 0

; FileManager default view (details or icons)
fmView = "details"

; prefix for containers, session and cookie variables
fmPrefix = "fm"

; FileManager caption in title bar - will replace system type
fmCaption = ""

; hide disabled icons
hideDisabledIcons = no

; hide title bar
; NOTE: icons for refresh, file search, new directory, file upload, etc. will also be hidden!
hideTitleBar = no

; hide specific list columns; possible values: size, changed, permissions, owner, group
hideColumns = "owner,group"

; mark new and modified files and folders
; NOTE: only files/folders that have been added or modified within the last 24 hours will be marked!
markNew = yes

; view context menu when clicking right mouse button - does not work with Opera browsers, though
; NOTE: if enabled, left mouse button will view documents, play media files and open directories
useRightClickMenu = yes

; path to temporary directory; it is recommended to create a dedicated directory
; NOTE: for security reasons, do not use a directory within your webservers document root!
tmpFilePath = "tmp"

; JavaScript function that should be called when a file is clicked; see readme file for details
customAction = "{caption: '', action: ''}"

; only for development: view debug info messages
debugInfo = no


; directory tree width; percent (e.g. "100%") or pixels (e.g. 700); 0 = don't view directory tree
explorerWidth = "25%"

; expand all folders in directory tree
explorerExpandAll = yes


; log window height (pixels; 0 = don't view log window)
logHeight = 100

; save log messages
; NOTE: if enabled, all log messages will be saved in FileManager's log directory
logSave = no

; path to log directory; leave empty to use FileManager's own directory
logFilePath = ""

; prefix for log files
logFilePrefix = ""


; enable thumbnail creation
; NOTE: if used in FTP mode, it will take some time to copy image files from FTP server
enableImagePreview = yes

; enable image rotation
enableImageRotation = yes

; max. width of preview images (pixels)
thumbMaxWidth = 600

; max. height of preview images (pixels)
thumbMaxHeight = 400

; sharpen preview thumbnails and resized images
; NOTE: this may take some time, so turn it off if thumbnail creation is too slow
thumbSharpen = no


; enable media player
enableMediaPlayer = yes

; media player width (pixels)
mediaPlayerWidth = 420

; media player height (pixels)
mediaPlayerHeight = 300

; force playback via Flash, i.e. don't use HTML5 even if it's available
forceFlash = no


; enable document viewer
enableDocViewer = yes

; document viewer width (pixels)
docViewerWidth = 700

; document viewer height (pixels)
docViewerHeight = 500

; URL to the Google Document Viewer; do not change this unless you know what you do!
docViewerUrl = ""

; URL for public file access, example:
; NOTE: required for Google document viewer (MS Word files, PDF files, etc.)
publicUrl = ""


; read ID3 tags from MP3 files
; NOTE: if used in FTP mode, it will take some time to copy MP3 files from FTP server
enableId3Tags = no

; default permissions for uploaded files (octal number without leading zero, example: 755)
; NOTE: does not work correctly on Windows systems
defaultFilePermissions = ""

; default permissions for new directories (octal number without leading zero, example: 755)
; NOTE: does not work correctly on Windows systems
defaultDirPermissions = ""

; allow files with certain extensions, example: "mp3,txt,jpg"; leave empty to allow all types
; NOTE: only use lowercase extensions; they will also work with uppercase files!
allowFileTypes = ""

; hide files with certain extensions, example: "php,pl,asp"; leave empty to view all types
; NOTE: only use lowercase extensions; they will also work with uppercase files!
hideFileTypes = ""

; hide directories with certain names, example: "secure,cgi-bin"; leave empty to view all directories
; NOTE: all corresponding directories will be hidden, regardless of their position within the directory tree!
hideDirNames = ""

; hide system files with leading dot, example: .htaccess
hideSystemFiles = yes

; hide system type
hideSystemType = yes

; hide file path in file details
hideFilePath = yes

; hide symbolic link target
hideLinkTarget = no

; use file cache (speeds up file transfer in FTP mode and image preview)
useFileCache = yes

; view deleted files (only if enableRestore = yes)
viewDeletedFiles = no

; check for file and directory changes every .. seconds (0 = disable smart refresh)
; NOTE: will increase traffic and server load!
smartRefresh = 0

; quota setting, examples: 500M, 1G; leave empty if you don't need it
quota = ""


; which upload engine should be used; possible values: Java, JS, Perl, PHP
uploadEngine = "JS"

; keep folder structure when uploading directories with sub folders
; NOTE: works only in combination with the Java upload engine!
keepFolderStructure = yes

; replace spaces in filenames with underscores
; NOTE: will also convert manually renamed files and directories!
replSpacesUpload = no

; convert filenames to lowercase
; NOTE: will also convert manually renamed files and directories!
lowerCaseUpload = no

; resize JPG/PNG/GIF images (max. width in pixels; 0 = don't resize)
maxImageWidth = 0

; resize JPG/PNG/GIF images (max. height in pixels; 0 = don't resize)
maxImageHeight = 0

; backup files, i.e. don't overwrite
createBackups = yes

; send an e-mail to this address after each file upload, example: "[email protected]"
mailOnUpload = ""

; e-mail subject line
mailOnUploadSubject = "FileManager Upload Info"

; URL to script that should be executed AFTER file upload
uploadHook = ""


; replace spaces in filenames with underscores
replSpacesDownload = no

; convert filenames to lowercase
lowerCaseDownload = no

; send an e-mail to this address after each download, example: "[email protected]"
mailOnDownload = ""

; e-mail subject line
mailOnDownloadSubject = "FileManager Download Info"

; URL to script that should be executed BEFORE file download
downloadHook = ""


; enable file upload
enableUpload = yes

; enable download of single files
enableDownload = yes

; enable bulk download of files/directories as ZIP archive
; NOTE: your PHP installation must support ZLib or this won't work!
enableBulkDownload = no

; enable file editing
enableEdit = yes

; enable file / directory deleting
enableDelete = yes

; enable file restoring
enableRestore = no

; enable file / directory renaming
enableRename = yes

; enable file / directory permissions changing
enablePermissions = yes

; enable file / directory moving
enableMove = yes

; enable file duplication
enableCopy = yes

; enable directory creation
enableNewDir = yes

; enable file / directory search
enableSearch = yes

; do not delete this line! */ ?>