First Prescott processors not compatible with current motherboards?


Power Member
After meeting with a manufacturer in Los Angeles yesterday, we were told that the first batch of Prescott processors will not be compatible with any motherboard currently available on the market today. Before Prescott undergoes a complete socket overhaul in Q2 2004, all Prescott processors will be of the Socket 478 variety, shipments of which will start in early Q4 of this year. But due to a mandatory voltage regulation spec change from VIN 1.0 to VIN 1.5, these Socket 478 Prescott processors will not be compatible with any Socket 478 motherboards. Motherboards based on 865PE and 875P chipsets are among those not compatible with the first Prescotts we learned.

We know of many users that are currently purchasing motherboards based on the assumption that, because Prescotts will be Socket 478 until Q2 next year, current Socket 478 motherboards will be compatible until then. However, this assumption is highly unlikely to be true based on the information we were given on Wednesday. Intel and motherboard manufacturers may be able to find a workaround, but we wouldn't count on it.

Fonte: Anandtech (

Em questões de cpu's e boards o Anando costuma ter boas informações.

Quanto à noticia.......:die:.........Mais uma "asneira" da Intel.......
Originally posted by [knap]
A intel é sp a msm mer** :009: :009: :009:

Esse comentário seria melhor dirigido para a empresa no teu avatar...

cheira-me a bullshit isso... a própria intel afirmou que iriam ser compatíveis, portanto, tenham calma, deixem-nos pousar e veremos! :)
Originally posted by Raptor
cheira-me a bullshit isso... a própria intel afirmou que iriam ser compatíveis, portanto, tenham calma, deixem-nos pousar e veremos! :)

Tu dás assim tanto crédito à Intel?

Aliás, meus amigos, não esperem ver no mercado informático um socket com tanto tempo de vida como o socket A. Isso foi uma sorte para a AMD ter conseguido uma prenda dessas. Mas não me parece que consiga o mesmo com o A64, assim como a Intel não o deve coseguir com o Prescott.
É o lado negativo da concorrência, em que ambas as empresas são forçadas a lutar pela performance de topo ao custo de um socket para cada processador (é claro que speed bumps não contam).
tá mesmo decidido

It is now confirmed that Intel is playing the same bad socket joke it is known for again and current platforms from a lot of mainboard makers will not be compatible with Intel Prescott processor coming out this Fall. According to roadmaps I have just seen, a huge Taiwanese mainboard maker will start to offer mainboards with appropriate features and capabilities to support Prescott in the second half of August.

All or almost all mainboards based on i865PE and i875P chipsets are not VRM10.0, FMB1.5-compatible, that is why you will not be able to use Intel Prescott chip on those platforms. As a result, mainboard makers have to redesign their products. Beginning from the second half of August, at least one mainboard maker indicates appearance of its mainboards revision 2.x that are compliant to FMB 1.5 of Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 10.0 Design Guide. See our July, 11th news-story for more information on the matter.

There is still no information about the nature of changes between FMB 1.0 and FMB 1.5 and what is not enough for current platforms to support the forthcoming Socket 478 chip. I am also not sure about Prescott support by mainboards based on third-party chipsets. In fact, mainboard makers have known that their current products do not support Prescott chips for weeks now, so, it is a mystery why, for example, ASUS still claims that their i865PE-based mainboard supports Prescott processor. Maybe they can guarantee it?

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Intel ( Magoo ) u have done it again
Vou salvar a page da Asus. Se me der problemas reclamo.

Enfim...ainda houve malta q enterrou mais de 250Euros nas Canterwood cheias de gizmo's. Esses devem tar mais nervosos que eu...
Mais desenvolvimentos:

It is now confirmed that Intel is playing the same bad socket joke it is known for again and current platforms from a lot of mainboard makers will not be compatible with Intel Prescott processor coming out this Fall. According to roadmaps I have just seen, a huge Taiwanese mainboard maker will start to offer mainboards with appropriate features and capabilities to support Prescott in the second half of August.

All or almost all mainboards based on i865PE and i875P chipsets are not VRM10.0, FMB1.5-compatible, that is why you will not be able to use Intel Prescott chip on those platforms. As a result, mainboard makers have to redesign their products. Beginning from the second half of August, at least one mainboard maker indicates appearance of its mainboards revision 2.x that are compliant to FMB 1.5 of Voltage Regulator-Down (VRD) 10.0 Design Guide. See our July, 11th news-story for more information on the matter.

Originally posted by ptzs
Vou salvar a page da Asus. Se me der problemas reclamo.

Enfim...ainda houve malta q enterrou mais de 250Euros nas Canterwood cheias de gizmo's. Esses devem tar mais nervosos que eu...

óó! A quem o dizes meu caro... a quem o dizes! :004: !

Originally posted by Raptor
Se fosse um fabricante de motherboards processava a Intel! :D

a Epos kis tanto seguir as normas da intel k usou o VRM10 mode no seu controlador d volt. (vcore)
Agora o problema é... k neste modo, so da 1.60v MAX! e reais...well 1.52v! LOL

bem... compativel pro futuro..mas uma granda MER*A pros presentes CPU's

Kem é k vai oc um CPU com 1.52v!?


a 4PCA3+ ainda s salvou pk usaram uma batch dif.
agora a 4PDA2+ com um uma batch nova...n à voltas a dar nisto para dar + volt.

Pelo menos por bios.

agora Vcore mod..the hardmod! a ver vamos

qual o problema em trocar de board??

Malta que troca de board de 6 em 6 meses ou 3 em 3 meses qual o problema!?

Venha o que vier que venha com boa performance, os 150 ou 200€ da board nova isso é CAGATIVO.

Intel rules a malta quer os Prescot de preferencia com tomates pra gente os cortar..hehehe.

:D :D :D :D :D :D
e mais , quanto de vcs que tem AMD já trocaram de board mesmo sabendo que a anterior dava para o CPU que queriam???

quantos??? quantos???

E n me digam que uma ViaK266 ou K333 não vos chegava...sua

Pois...mas quem tem sistemas AMD ao menos pode-se dar ao luxo de escolher se troca de board ou não quando compram um cpu novo...enfim já tivemos esta discussão 500 vezes.