Multiplataforma For Honor (Ubisoft)



Developer: Ubisoft
Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield in For Honor! Enter the chaos of a raging war as a bold Knight, brutal Viking, or mysterious Samurai, three of the greatest legendary warriors. For Honor is a fast-paced, competitive experience mixing skill, strategy, and team play with visceral melee combat.

The Art of Battle, For Honor’s innovative control system, puts you in total control of your heroes, each with distinct skills and weapons, as you fight for land, glory, and honor. As a skilled warrior on a believable battleground, you annihilate all soldiers, archers, and opposing heroes who stand in your way.

For Honor will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation®4 system, and Windows PC.

Key Features:
• Choose your hero among the three greatest legacies of warriors: Knights, Vikings, or Samurai. Able to turn the tide of battle and make their faction victorious, each warrior comes with their own weapon set and play style.

• Capture control points, and slaughter enemies with our groundbreaking multi-player mode.

• The Art of Battle control system lets you wield the weight of your weapon and feel the power and impact of each strike.

• Inspire fear in your enemies by customizing your warrior, including your chest, shoulders, and helmet.


Última edição:

Developer: Ubisoft
Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield in For Honor! Enter the chaos of a raging war as a bold Knight, brutal Viking, or mysterious Samurai, three of the greatest legendary warriors. For Honor is a fast-paced, competitive experience mixing skill, strategy, and team play with visceral melee combat.

The Art of Battle, For Honor’s innovative control system, puts you in total control of your heroes, each with distinct skills and weapons, as you fight for land, glory, and honor. As a skilled warrior on a believable battleground, you annihilate all soldiers, archers, and opposing heroes who stand in your way.

For Honor will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation®4 system, and Windows PC.

Key Features:
• Choose your hero among the three greatest legacies of warriors: Knights, Vikings, or Samurai. Able to turn the tide of battle and make their faction victorious, each warrior comes with their own weapon set and play style.

• Capture control points, and slaughter enemies with our groundbreaking multi-player mode.

• The Art of Battle control system lets you wield the weight of your weapon and feel the power and impact of each strike.

• Inspire fear in your enemies by customizing your warrior, including your chest, shoulders, and helmet.


Última edição:
Carve a path of destruction through the battlefield in For Honor! Enter the chaos of a raging war as a bold Knight, brutal Viking, or mysterious Samurai, three of the greatest legendary warriors. For Honor is a fast-paced, competitive experience mixing skill, strategy, and team play with visceral melee combat.

The Art of Battle, For Honor’s innovative control system, puts you in total control of your heroes, each with distinct skills and weapons, as you fight for land, glory, and honor. As a skilled warrior on a believable battleground, you annihilate all soldiers, archers, and opposing heroes who stand in your way.

For Honor will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation®4 system, and Windows PC.

Key Features:
• Choose your hero among the three greatest legacies of warriors: Knights, Vikings, or Samurai. Able to turn the tide of battle and make their faction victorious, each warrior comes with their own weapon set and play style.

• Capture control points, and slaughter enemies with our groundbreaking multi-player mode.

• The Art of Battle control system lets you wield the weight of your weapon and feel the power and impact of each strike.

• Inspire fear in your enemies by customizing your warrior, including your chest, shoulders, and helmet.
Site Oficial

Última edição:
Foi mostrado gameplay online deste jogo. Gostei bastante deeste jogo, no entanto tenho as minhas reservas relativamente à jogabilidade, pois poderemos ter um jogo muito repetitivo no combate.

Bom jogo.
Ainda dizem que a Ubisoft é isto e aquilo e que cada vez está pior... Para mim é de onde vem maior parte dos melhores jogos, ou pelo menos dos meus preferidos.
O jogo tem muito bom aspeto. Farto de tiros e bombas.
No entanto, desde o primeiro Assassins Creed que fiquei um bocado traumatizado com a Ubisoft. Vamos ver.
De qualquer das formas, está a passar despercebido aqui.
Para mim a Ubisoft voltava era a saga Prince of Persia :D
Este, não sei porquê, mas do pouco que vi, parece-me uma espécie de Ryse, aguardemos por mais detalhes.
O jogo tem muito bom aspeto. Farto de tiros e bombas.
No entanto, desde o primeiro Assassins Creed que fiquei um bocado traumatizado com a Ubisoft. Vamos ver.
De qualquer das formas, está a passar despercebido aqui.

Aqui deste lado muita coisa passa despercebida... E o que não passa, normalmente é para se dizer mal.

Não é por aí... do "outro lado" este jogo tem o mesmo número de replys: 5. Bem e agora esta thread até acaba por ter mais replys, com este meu post: 6

O jogo não "puxou" muito, talvez pelo factor Ubisoft, mas também não foi algo assim, completamente original ou bombástico...

Para "animar" "este lado", todos têm é que contribuir com opiniões, dicas e sugestões, para partilhar entre o pessoal.... olha que, pessoalmente, bem tenho tentatdo, também deste "lado" passar informações úteis a todos, pela minha experiência e pela partilha de sugestões, que nisto, ninguém nasce ensinado e andamos todos a aprender ;)