Gamers don't know what all their consoles can do

Anoni Mus

I'm cool cuz I Fold
You may not know this, but the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 can display their games in high-definition.
No, really.
And you can even connect your console to the Internet and download stuff directly to your system!
Amazing, huh?
I'm not trying to sound like a patronizing jerk (well, OK, maybe a little), but apparently a huge percentage of gamers have no clue what their game consoles can actually do.
A recent report from market research firm NPD Group found, for example, that only half of next-gen console owners are aware that the PS3 is HD-capable, and just 30 percent knew the 360 can do HD, as well.
Furthermore, only 40 percent of PS3 owners know that their console has a built-in Blu-ray high-definition movie player, and only half of those people had recently watched a Blu-ray movie on their consoles.
What's more, while 71 percent of PS3 owners and likely buyers say backward compatibility (the ability to play PS2 games on the PS3) is the most important feature the console could have, only 37 percent are aware that the PS3 actually is backward-compatible.
In other words, a lot of people don't even know their system has the feature they most want.

- Tá lá o resto da notícia.

Será verdade? Sinceramente não acredito.
Existe alguem aqui no fórum que não saiba alguma coisa que aqui diz?
Acho que isso já tinha sido postado.

Mas o pessoal aqui do fórum dificilmente representa a população em geral.. nós estamos sempre a par das tecnologias e o HD ainda não está assim tão generalizado.
