Greetings from LWD

Sway disse:
PS: Para os portugueses: não acho simpatico falarem portugues aqui! curtem que os blacks falem Kriolo bem alto no comboio? eu não curto (não é nenhum tipo de racismo obviamente, também não curto que alemaes falem alemão perto de mim! simplesmente é o exemplo mais perceptivel porque é muito frequente)

Não concordo contigo.

Este fórum tem como língua oficial o português e não o inglês. Foi com agrado que li os tipos do "LWD" tentarem traduzir (talvez mal, mas ao menos tentaram) a nossa língua. Este procedimento devia ser a norma e não o contrário (nós tentarmos "adaptarmos" aos outros - já basta nos fóruns estrangeiros, no trabalho ou em férias no estrangeiro).

Os "blacks" falam criolo no comboio? E depois? Se é entre eles, não vejo qual é o problema. Assim como dois alemães falarem alemão é perfeitamente normal. Não sejas cusco :P (Se estiveres em férias na China e fores num comboio, também vais tentar falar chinês com os teus amigos só para os chineses perceberem o que estão a falar? Essa preocupação com que os outros pensam... Não faz sentido.).

É a minha opinião.

Fica bem e...


PS: Não estou a dizer para não responderes em inglês aos membros do "LWD". Apenas estou a fazer uma observação ao teu comentário de não achares "simpático" teclar em português.
Última edição:
Eu tenho que concordar com aeon. You should feel free to use portuguese as it is the language of the board. Just because I don't actually know it doesn't mean that I can't try to figure it out. It is handy and a conveniance if you translate what you say, especially for those who have never seen the language before, but you should not feel obligated. It is a friendly little rivalry, after all.

You still won't take 32nd place from us, which was your original claim, no matter what language you are speaking.

As for where we are from, we are a bit more global than this board. We range from the US (I'm in Maine) to Canada to Australia to across that other pond and into your neck of the woods.
yes but you do understand what we are saying some of them don't and in that prespective I said "I don't find it nice" that does not mean everybody should be obliged to talk in english... I just said it wasn't nice! they come "from far away" (i know we are on the net..) but for them to come to a forum that uses a completly (yes some of you can understand but some can't) difrent language... and people discuss in their thread in portuguese... it's just not polite! I guess... they may not mind it at all but..

well I like it when I understand, when I don't I feel like: "yes they must be right...(ironicly of course)" and i don't want them to feel that way in their thread!

but hey, this is a forum and the bottom idea of a forum is to discuss, and show others our opinions, I've shown you mine... now show me yours... i'm all ears!:D
Sway, at the same time, for shore there are people who is trying to read this topic and they don't understand a word :) I speak in english here, because I choose that. Well...everything is fine ;)

Webster: cach this:

Vocês até vão comer pó!!!!!!!!! :x2:

Big hugs :)

tb vou dar a minha opiniao...
isto ia dar para uma vida....pq se vamos ao forum EXSTEMS, temos q falar ingles, pq se veem aqui tb temos q falar....bla bla la...contra/favor nunca mais ia acabar...
eu acho q temos coisas mais importantes(fah,fah,fah), do q estar aqui a discutir (em frente a convidados).
falem em portugues,(com traduçao), ingles, russo, chines...mas por favor nao vamos deixar q eles ainda nos gozem com isto...
aqui fala-se de folding...
ou seja falem como quizerem, mas nao vamos comentar mais nada, acerca do modo como comentamos...;)
ufff, por pouco nem eu percebia o q escrevi...:lol:

:kfold: :kfold:

translation:just my opinion...
let´s stop talking about how we write, and do serious
cut of the bullshit and let´s quick some litle white dogs...:)

ps.-hey,when i call "milus", it´s a very friendly name (at least for me)...
(the white dog of tintin) with no offense, of course...;)
im a animal lover (i have myself a litle white dog...poudle):x2:
it´s nice to see u here, i hope that u enjoy our forum...;)

best regards

Última edição:
hey your forum your language I got no issue with that, but like I said, portugesse does a number on babble fish (or you talk in jibberish)

As for location... we cover the globe, from south aferica to japan, to austrilia to northern europe sweeden, and of course largest numbers in the US and canada. (couldn't you tell by my blatent disreegard for anything that wasn't america? DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS)

So simple answer, "We are every where." (with the possible exception of south america and antartica)
Hello again from LWD :)

Portugese is a hard language, no? I speak spanish but have a very hard time understanding you here... I will get better...

Anyways, it's always good to have a good competition between teams, it pushes us all to higher levels, so that some day we can say "We helped end this disease"

I look forward to holding you off as long as possible... You are many, and we are few.

(but we have a very Large White Dog in the lead, no?)

also for your information I am from the USA (Ohio)

Feriados Felizes,
Thanks, I think I speak for all of us when I wish you guys a merry christmas and a powerfull folding new year :D And remeber, "the higher you are..." lol keep up the good work and thanks for reminding of us!!! :kfold:
hello guys. merry christmas to u all :)

and by the way..what's happening with your nr 1 folder? we want a good competition,dont stop folding :P

best regards