F2P Z1 Battle Royale (H1Z1)

Update com grande mudanças no KOTK, 6.1gbs.


Game Update 5/17 - Skirmish, New POIs & More!
16 May - Greg

All King of the Kill servers will be offline on May 17th beginning at 1:00 PM PT / 20:00 UTC (all in process games will end at 1PM ) for a game update. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 6 hours.

Gunplay & Hit Registration Updates

In our last Producer’s Letter[www.h1z1.com], we outlined a number of the changes that were being made to improve and optimize hit registration and gunplay. In addition to the behind-the-scenes improvements that were made to address “lag compensation,” trajectories, and projectile tracking, we also sought to address specific frustration points among players. Here are some of the specific changes that have been made:

  • Lag compensation has been optimized to provide more accurate player movement positioning. This system works best when the players are playing in low ping environments.
  • Projectile tracking fidelity has been increased to ensure the hits are registered more quickly and consistently.
  • We no longer block you from firing if you are up against and object. Previously, if your character was right up against the collision surface of an object, the system would prevent you from firing entirely. Now, the blocked reticle and gun animation have been removed and you’ll be allowed to fire – though the shot will still strike the blocking object. This is meant to alleviate the distraction of having your gun go in and out of the blocked state as you go in and out of cover.
  • Line of sight checks should be more forgiving to reduce frustrating moments where it appears you should be able to shoot a target but can’t. It’s still tuned to ensure that one player should never be able to shoot at another player cannot see or shoot back at them.
  • Pointblank shots in first person should be much more consistent.
Shotgun Refinement

In order to ensure the shotgun is fitting its role in close range combat, and to make it as consistent and predictable as possible, we’ve made a number of tuning changes.

  • Pellet spread is now systematic, with some variance, instead of completely random
  • Increased the number of pellets
  • Decreased the damage per pellet
  • Removed normal damage fall-off over distance; as the new spread mechanic will reduce the number of pellets that land the further away your target is.
  • Added a 2.7x damage multiplier for headshots, which falls off over distance

Skirmishes have returned!

What better way to check out the new Shotgun tuning than by playing in a game where most of the weapons in the game are Shotguns!? But watch out for Snipers… Skirmishes will be available on weekends and will rotate to new gametypes on a regular basis.


The Arena

The Arena had a major update including lighting improvements, terrain changes, and three new POIs.

  • Three new POIs have been added around Pleasant Valley to break up some of the larger open areas in the map.
    • Hillside Villas are just to the east of PV and offer luxurious comfort and loot. They consist of a variety of larger homes that have been built on various elevations which can lead to unique gameplay and firefights.


    • Morton Distribution and Storage is north of PV, it features a large crane that can be seen from far away. Exploration is rewarded as the gameplay spaces span across the shipping containers providing a unique feel for the game through verticality.


    • Henninger Plaza was added west of PV on the way to Kurama Hospital. In this location you will find a superstore, gas station, and a few smaller shops making it a good source for loot and intimate gunfights.

  • Added nine additional loot spots of new variations, small residential areas south east of The Villas, and major roads connecting Hillside Villas and Morton Distribution & Storage to existing highways.
  • Many building interiors have been adjusted for ease of navigation and increased optimization
  • Fog has been significantly decreased
  • Lootable objects now have a small outline at close proximity
  • Fire extinguishers have been removed from the Arena
  • Explosive barrels have had their spawn rate decreased by 30%
  • Shadows have been lightened for better visibility

Vehicle Skins

The ATV, off-roader, and pickup truck all have three new color variants. They’ll randomly spawn this way in The Arena and should be a bit easier to spot from parachutes and to distinguish from non-drivable vehicles. You can also select these from your appearance menu so that any vehicle you acquire will automatically skin to your preferred color.


Inventory Improvements

Using your Inventory quickly and efficiently is one of the most important elements of gameplay. In this update, the Inventory has been given a well-deserved polish pass with more to come in the future.

The Inventory and Crafting panels have been combined so that all of your item management can take place in a single window. Visually, you’ll notice a few updates to the screen such as a more clear indicator of required ingredients to craft, as well as a preview of how much of your available space will be taken up by crafting or picking up a new item. The crafting process itself has also been simplified as you’ll now be able to craft a single item via left-click or craft max via right-click.


Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Updates

We’ve made a number of quality of life improvements and bug fixes, many of which are the direct result of feedback we’ve received from players.

  • Crafting & Healing timer has been moved so it no longer obscures the crosshair.
  • Items from the Weekend Challenge (5/13 - 5/14) will be granted with this update.
  • When using classic hit markers, the marker will turn bold for headshots
  • Incoming hit sounds should more clearly distinguish headshots from body shots
  • In team games, teammate chevrons have been removed to lessen the visual distraction they were providing. Activate free look (default: alt) to see teammate nameplates at unlimited range.
  • Body armor (laminated and makeshift) now always show up on top of parkas.
  • Players can now disable vehicle degradation sound effects in the useroptions.ini by editing the VehicleDegradationVolume=1 line.
  • When you get a kill, there is a new UI element that will indicate the name and tier of the player you killed as well as any XP gained as a result.
  • Icons on the Main Menu have been added to let you know when you have a new item in your character inventory or when there is a sale in the Marketplace.
  • To make navigation easier, we combined the Unlocked and Locked Crates into a single view.
  • Items in the Appearance menu now show how to acquire the item (Crate, Scrapyard, etc).
  • Ping display in the HUD will update more often than it used to.
  • The Inventory “More Info” panel will now be closed by default.
  • Parachutes should no longer spin when starting a match.
  • Removed collision from arrows once they’re stuck in a target to prevent them from blocking other projectiles.
  • You should once again be able to use voice chat after dying using mouse buttons.
  • Stun grenades will now affect players in vehicles.
  • Adjusted the model of the taxi to more precisely match the police car (the collisions were already identical).
  • Fixed camera issues that could occur when entering a vehicle while prone or crouched.
  • Fixed the Twitch Prime offroader skin not correctly applying in-game.
  • Fixed several HUD elements that were displayed incorrectly in some languages.
  • Kill feed should no longer overlap the score elements in team matches.
  • Region should no longer change itself after selecting one then accessing Settings.
  • Fixed an issue where right-clicking on a skin you don’t own could cause the item you previously had highlighted to be scrapped.
  • Button prompt to open/close Inventory will now update based on keybinding selection.
  • Pressing escape will now cancel a change in quantity on Inventory stacks.
  • Stack-splitting will no longer lose functionality if the menu is exited after changing quantity.

Known Issues
  • The Kill Receipt occasionally does not display the name or correct tier of the player you killed.
São diferentes?
Eu queria um jogo para jogar online, cansei me um pouco do l4d2! Sei que não são comparáveis mas,queria um dentro da onda...
Sim o JS é basicamente um jogo puro de sobrevivencia onde tens que ter atenção á fome, sede, zombies e jogadores enquanto o King of the Hill é puramente um battle royal ou seja és tu contra todos e esses todos são jogadores como tu num estilo de arena que com o tempo vai diminuindo de tamanho ate sobrar um só jogador.
Comprei este jogo por estar em promoção, mas há muitas coisas que desiludem...

Desde clicar 'play' até chegar ao menu demoro 1m30s (tenho um i7 6700k), para comparação, no CSGO demoro 20s, no World of Tanks demoro 50s (tem login depois de abrir o jogo, só o login demorou 30s, depende da carga que o servidor tiver, às vezes demora menos de 10s), o LoL foi 35s (e havia sobrecarga do servidor de login, ainda tive que esperar)... Se for preciso reiniciar o jogo por algum motivo, no KotK temos que estar imenso tempo à espera...

Na steam diz que o jogo foi lançado no dia 18 de Fevereiro de 2016, quase 1 ano e meio e ainda é "Early Access"? Será que vai ser para sempre?
Última edição:
@anjo2 Obrigado pelo teu coment, assim sendo, vou dispensar esta compra!
Tem estado na lista faz um ano, e pelos vistos vai ficar!
Não estou propriamente arrependido de o ter comprado, por 10€ é fixe, mas quase 1 ano e meio depois de começar o early access, estava à espera que já estivesse melhor, o mais certo é só jogar quando tiver um amigo para fazer duo.

Ainda tenho poucas horas, mas posso dar o meu feedback global do gameplay (só joguei duos e fives, não sei como é solo),

* Open World é fixe e é grande, mas há demasiado sitios que é deserto, o que faz com que muita gente caia no mesmo sitio.
* O jogo tem craft, mas na maioria dos jogos só há tempo para craft de bandages.
* O jogo na 3ª pessoa faz com que tenhamos muito mais visão de campo, o que diminui bastante os outplays (principalmente de bons jogadores que jogam com o som dos passos).
* Quando se apanha uma arma têm que se recarregar e não se apanha a munição ao passar por cima, o que confunde bastante se a munição é para alguma das tuas armas (devia ser automático se tivesse arma para a ammo respectiva).
* O disparo das armas é super estranho, pareces que estás a brincar com armas de paintball, é sem dúvida o ponto mais negativo do jogo, até as mecânicas de aim, recoil, etc são péssimas.
* Existe um número muito pequeno de carros que dá para conduzir.
* O sistema de spectate é non sense, quando se joga com amigos é sempre fixe ir fazendo spectate entre os vários, até para ensinar novos jogadores.
* Não existe um tutorial, e o próprio training é estranho, praticamente já foi tudo apanhado e há pessoal a abusar, juntam-se com amigos para lixar os outros (não é possível fazer duos, mas conseguem entrar no mesmo servidor e dizer a posição para jogarem como duo, já houve gente banida por causa disto, mas continuam a abusar disso)...
* O mapa é super confuso, além de não existir um mini-mapa, não dá para ver no mapa para onde estamos virados, o que faz com que seja muito fácil ir para o sitio errado quando não estamos familiarizados com o jogo e mapa)
* Os bugs são imensos, desde entrar em jogos separados, não entrar, e mesmo a jogar.

Pode haver coisas que eu estou a fazer mal, só comecei a jogar isto à poucos dias.

O jogo deste género mais popular é o Battlegrounds, mas vou ficar por este, só espero que a Valve se lembre de lançar um jogo do género com o motor do Source, têm todo o potencial para lançar o melhor jogo do género.