Six years ago (almost to the day!)
Halo 5: Guardians debuted. Week after week, season after season, the teams have worked tirelessly to keep things moving like a well oiled machine. However, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end and, as such, I'm here to talk to you about Halo 5's final playlist updates, which will happen after
Halo Infinite launches later this year. While saying goodbye to our weekly playlist updates is certainly difficult, we feel we've hit a good balance for everyone who may want to play
Halo 5 after
Halo Infinite's release.
Our goal is to make sure that there's a variety, that the playlists remain healthy, and that you have the ability to complete your in-game Commendations. When we launch
Halo Infinite later this year, these are the playlists you can expect to find in
Halo 5:
- Quick Play
- Super Fiesta Party
- Big Team Battle
- Big Team Super Fiesta
- Infection
- Slayer
- Team Arena
- 2v2 Competitive
- Elimination
- Free-For-All
- Warzone Firefight
- Mythic Warzone Firefight
- Warzone Warlords
- Warzone (Warzone will be the primary default with Warzone Turbo and Warzone Assault added in at a lower weighting)
We will also be kicking off one final ranked Arena Season come December that will run indefinitely. We expect this to be the last playlist update for the forseeable future as our focus will primarily be on
Halo Inifnite. That said, we will periodically re-evaluate the health of playlists to ensure we continue to have a good experience for players looking to play online.
As a reminder, Ranked Free-for-all is currently available for the rest of the month. Not to mention the treat that is Double XP in Infection all month long. And next week, we’ll be rotating in the fan-favorite Castle Wars and the bombastic Warzone Turbo for the weekend!