IBM ***** G5: Another World


Folding Artist

Starting Out
While the proponents of processors from Intel and AMD meet in a head-on crash and peruse the lines of the specifications for fresh arguments, other manufacturers manage to sell computing machines of quite another kind and quite different technical characteristics. So there is a natural question – what kind of machines they are? Are they better or worse than those we usually use? Do they have any unique features? Why people buy Apple Macintosh computers at all (hereafter referred to as Macs)?

So, this is one of the first times in our history that we, at X-Bit Labs, put aside the glorious PC to take a look at the Mac, or, to be more precise, at the microprocessor used in the Mac. I think this article should be strongly recommended to any person who heard to the prophets of the Mac faith (yeah, they are not far from religious zealots sometimes). Some of them say that Macs are just absolutely different, and others claim the Mac to have an unbelievably fast architecture – the competitors would take a decade just to catch up with it.

However, I haven’t seen yet a Mac in the list of fastest processors, according to SPEC CPU 2000. It means the microprocessors used in Macs don’t run that fast as far as raw performance is concerned. So, where do these rumors about a “fundamentally different architecture” come from? Why is there an opinion that Macs suit best for industries like the printing industry? Do Apple’s advertising claims about the leadership in graphics processing have any ground at all?

Artigo completo:*****-g5.html

Fonte : X-bit Labs*****-g5/icon.gif

Bem o artigo é gigante!! Não li tudo, mas acho que é um artigo interessante.
Originally posted by ptzs
Este queria tanto um PC que ripou um G5 todo e meteu la dentro um PC.

Foi uma brincadeira claro, mas deu direito a ameaças de morte e a quase desistência de manter o artigo online!

Enfim, Macníacos curai-vos.
Isso é um bocado estúpido...
Tanto a parte das ameaças, como ele pegar num pc completo de cerca de 6000euros para usar apena a caixa... É claro que ele faz o que quiser com o que é dele... Mas se tivesse mais do que 2 neurónios vendia o Mac e com o dinheiro montava um PC completo!

(ps. eu até sei de que fórum partiram essas ameaças... O MadMax é um gajo f0did0!):-D
Foi um gozo...a unica coisa que ele tinha era uma caixa de um G5. Mas pronto, dá para rir um bocado. Um gajo ainda se ri mais com as reacções do pessoal à brincadeira.