Industria de vídeo jogos Nipónica em Crise ?


Power Member
Industria de vídeo jogos Nipónica em Crise ?
Depois dos falhanços do No More Heroes (Wii) e do Nights (Wii) e das vendas do GT5 estarem aquém do desejado , será que estamos perante uma crise ?

My possesion for recent Japanese Game Sales :
There are many doom comments for recent Japanese Game sales. Now, I write my thoght for these data.

The period of transition of Japanese game market

In Japan, many gamers have felt sense of emergency in PS2 age. It was called "続編地獄 (The hell of sequels)". There were few new smash hit game and were sold only sequels of former hit games... The reasons were said as below,

* Rise the cost for development and Risk for failure

From the growing of 3D gaming worlds, the cost of development was clearly rised. It forced the companies to hesitate to develop and release completely new games. When it ended in failure, company came under threat (In Japan, most game companies are lack in financial strength.)

* Decrease of gaming users

3D gaming or other advancement gave the reality and new excitements for games. But these profit aren't generic ones. These has the bad effects for many people to feel tired for games and to raise the threshold for games... Of cource, some gameshas been succeeded to get over them partially. But totally, gaming users and sales has been decreased then.

So, gaming users were limited for core users little by little. PS3 is the console based on PS2 gaming world. So, PS3 inherits its bad tendency...
On the other hand, Nintendo concluded this markets would go under and they decided to make the new game market easily to join the non-core gaming users and non-gaming users also. DS and Wii are the console to ensure this policy.
The results are there for all to see.
In this term, the problem is the trend of third companies. Nintendo and their partners could adapt this new movement because it had been made by them. But other makers got behind... Indeed, it took a long time to get on track in DS market. (Probably it is because DS market are the mixture of some old market and completely new markets.) In this market, prior recipes don't make sense because most of users in this market don't buy games so frequently. The change of their trend is too slow to succedd with the simple pale imitations.
Probably, current Wii market falls same situation. Nintendo can create new trend because they ready to it from the start. But it isn't so for other makers. Probably it will take a few years for third companies to go well on the Wii...


At least, Japanese game market doesn't run off the rails. It goes towards new worlds we don't know. In the shop, there are many users not only family and present gaming user but also many women and middle-aged and older people. It hasn't seen a few years ago. And new gaming worlds are growing with swallowing the present gaming world. Now, we are seeing the change of gaming market...

At last, it is the movement in only Japan. But this is because only the limit of gaming market of Japan is less than NA and EU. I predict similar situations would happen in NA and EU. And then Japanese market becomes the important precedents!!
então e o Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Lair? ...

ja agora analisar que jogos sao um fracasso com 1 semana ou nem isso de vendas não me parece que seja muito justo.

PS: Obrigado por terem apagado o meu post.
O mercado japonês parece estar a virar para as portáteis....Actualmente o maior mercado é sem duvida os EUA.


Mesmo assim espero bem que as consolas "caseiras" comecem a vender mais (assim como o seu software). Acho mesmo estranho uma "crise" como esta acontecer precisamente no Japão, que é o país que vibra mais com este tipo de cenas.

Resta esperar que jogos como SSB e FF (a saga principal de DQ para já é exclusiva das portáteis :'() dêem um abanão nesta "crise"...
AhahHAhahAhahAHhaHAh, Japas loucos que so fazem jogos malucos, dá nisto!!


Não me parece que haja uma "crise" por assim dizer..."crise" foi o que aconteceu nos EUA entre 1983 e 1985, até à chegada do NES.

A mim parece-me que o Japão atingiu um ponto de saturação nas consolas domésticas - o NES vendeu 19 milhões por lá, o SNES mais de 17 milhões e a PS2 atingiu há pouco tempo os 22 milhões - e a maior dinâmica está a deslocar-se para as portáteis, que apesar de sempre se terem vendido mais do que as domésticas - o Game Boy e o Game Boy Color venderam, em conjunto, mais de 32 milhões no Japão, a DS já ultrapassou os 20 milhões em três anos - só agora se começam a afirmar como verdadeiras potências, a PSP Slim, por exemplo, está a vender-se bastante bem por lá (as vendas totais da PSP no Japão são cerca de 7 milhões).

E o mercado americano sempre foi o maior do Mundo - todas as consolas de sucesso venderam bastante mais nos EUA do que no Japão, o NES vendeu cerca de 34 milhões nos States (foi um verdadeiro fenómeno, existia um NES em cerca de 30% das casas americanas), o SNES chegou aos 22 milhões, a Mega Drive aos 20 milhões (e apenas 4 milhões no Japão, por exemplo), a N64 vendeu outros 20 milhões (e 5 milhões no Japão) e por aí em diante.