Input Lag no samsung215tw??


Power Member
Input Lag no 215tw da Samsung? Alguem que o tenha nota que o cursor do rato nos jogos não se mexe ao mesmo tempo que o proprio rato? Atrasos da ordem dos 60ms??? :wow:Alguem que o tenha e que joge Prey ou HL2 pode dizer alguma coisa?
Input Lag no 215tw da Samsung? Alguem que o tenha nota que o cursor do rato nos jogos não se mexe ao mesmo tempo que o proprio rato? Atrasos da ordem dos 60ms??? :wow:Alguem que o tenha e que joge Prey ou HL2 pode dizer alguma coisa?

mas isso está acontecer a ti? parece q as ati's precisam de ser afinadas nas opçoes, por acaso n és dono duma?
ora tenho novidades relativas ao 215tw. Para quem tem placas Ati cm eu, ha uma opçcao nos settings k diz Reduce DVD FRequency blablablabla k vem activo por default nos drivers. pude constatar k se desactivar essa funçao noto menos blur kuase inexistente! é estranho pk os settings estavam activados com o 205bw e n notei blur mas cada lcd é um caso. Portanto caso tenham um 215tw e uma ati desactivem o tal setting k aparentemente no meu caso parece k melhorou um bom bocado. Creio k ha aki um user k tem um igual... k placa usas?

em relação ao 215tw, o Phantom encontrou isto na net:
Don't post very often on the site, but just have to add that I picked up a 215tw from newegg after trolling a couple different sites for the last week. I have to say I was concerned about the input lag, red lines (cross my fingers that this won't happen), etc. but upon receiving it yesterday, I am very happy. The image quality is fantastic. I'm also a pretty frequent fps'er and i booted up HL2.

I was very disappointed at first when there was a really noticeable input lag to the point of the game being unplayable, but after doing the following things:
- uncheck the following boxes in ATI Catalyst Control Center
Reduce DVI frequency on high-resolution displayes
Alternate DVI operational mode

Basically you want your computer to do the least amount of video processing as possible during games. These two settings above are only suggested if you're experiencing visual artifacts, etc., which luckily I don't.

Another thing you can do is to go in to the OSD of the monitor and select the name of the input as "Game", supposedly this results in the monitor operating in a more optimized fashion, reducing the overdrive usage that is apparently to blame for the horrible input lag.

After following these steps, i found no noticeable input lag in HL2 and it was quiet playable, there was maybe a smidgeon of input lag, but after I turned up my mouse sensitivity (it was really low b/c my previous monitor was tiny) I couldn't notice it anymore. I ran through COD2, GRAW demo, HL2, and will try BF2 tonight. So far, so good!"

posso verificar k realmente melhorou e o arrastamento esta kuase kuase perfeito :)

check this