Instalar o Windows XP num Asus (exemplo para M51Sn ou X56Sn)

Allen Hobby

Power Member
O tutorial que escrevi é em Inglês por isso aqui seque também o post em Inglês.

I've seen a few tutorials online about installing Windows XP on a Asus M51Sn, but none totally left me satisfied because I couldn't really understand where those drivers were found, and then how to find newer updated versions of those drivers.

So I've written myself a tutorial, not adding much to the ones existing, only explaining how to obtain the drivers yourself so you can find the most recent versions.

This tutorial is for the Asus M51Sn, but based on it, you can surely find the drivers for your particular model. Just follow the idea behind what I did, and you can find the drivers for your model. It took me a while to figure it out, and to find everything.

Here it is:

I hope it helps someone.