Já n funciona!


deixei o pc, como normalmente, no fim de semana a foldar...
quando cheguei deparei-me com isto:
[14:18:21] Signature is VALID
[14:18:21] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a1.exe
[14:18:21] Decompressed FahCore_a1.exe (2035712 bytes) successfully
[14:18:21] + Core successfully engaged
[14:18:26] + Processing work unit
[14:18:26] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[14:18:26] Core found.
[14:18:26] Working on Unit 03 [July 6 14:18:26]
[14:18:26] + Working ...
[14:20:14] CoreStatus = 63 (99)
[14:20:14] + Error starting Folding@Home core.
[14:20:19] + Processing work unit
[14:20:19] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[14:20:19] Core found.
[14:20:19] Working on Unit 03 [July 6 14:20:19]
[14:20:19] + Working ...
[14:22:07] CoreStatus = 63 (99)
[14:22:07] + Error starting Folding@Home core.
[14:22:12] + Processing work unit
[14:22:12] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[14:22:12] Core found.
[14:22:12] Working on Unit 03 [July 6 14:22:12]
[14:22:12] + Working ...
[14:24:01] CoreStatus = 63 (99)
[14:24:01] + Error starting Folding@Home core.
Folding@Home will go to sleep for 1 day as there have been 5 consecutive Cores executed which failed to complete a work unit.
[14:24:01] (To wake it up early, quit the application and restart it.)
[14:24:01] If problems persist, please visit our website at http://folding.stanford.edu for help.
[14:24:01] + Sleeping...
tentei executar de novo o fah.exe e diz-me isto:

Unable to connect to 'CC:8676',
sock error: generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1228): unable to connect to CC on port 8676, exhausted a
ll endpoints (errno -1)
MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1275): unable to connect to CC on port 8676, Uma tentati
va de ligaþÒo falhou porque o componente ligado nÒo respondeu correctamente ap¾s
um perÝodo de tempo, ou a ligaþÒo estabelecida falhou porque o anfitriÒo ligado
nÒo respondeu. (errno 10060)
[12:00:03] Error running mpiexec. Please check your configuration and re-run in
stall.bat if necessary
nada foi alterado no pc, nem firewalls nem nada.. Pelo sim pelo nao ate fui criar uma regra na firewall do router para essa porta.. mas nada.. acontece o mm..
Ja corri o install.bat e nada..
a versão q uso é a Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta6.

Alguma ideia do que se poderá estar a passar?