Klik - Aplicações Portable em GNU/Linux


klik strives to be the easiest way to download and run software, without installation.
klik creates self-contained "application images" which can run from anywhere (even from an USB thumbdrive or CD-RW), or be copied to a different Linux computer and used there.
klik "ingredients" are downloadable from the web and are converted into the respective self-contained package with a single click, even while running a Live-CD.
Because one software package is always exactly just one compressed cmg file, you can always delete software packages without any problems for other software. Because you can save cmg files everywhere, this solution is very flexible.

klik Is

  • An easy way to download and run software -- without installing it
  • 1 File = 1 Application
  • Safe to use -- it never interferes with your existing system
  • An easy way to distribute applications
  • Able to run in user space without root/sudo
klik Is Not

  • A package management system. It doesn't strive to replace apt-get, dpkg, rpm, yum, apt4rpm, portage, smart, autopackage or what-have-you.
  • klik is not a Microsoft Windows application

E já com várias aplicações convertidas ;)