Linux nos Portáteis Panasonic


Linux Lands on Panasonic Toughbooks

Ubuntu Linux is now available on Panasonic Toughbooks — those rugged devices typically found in harsh environments and vertical markets like health care, transportation, real estate and insurance. But this blog entry comes with a twist — care of EmperorLinux, a system reseller in Atlanta, Georgia. Here’s the scoop.
Generally speaking, Panasonic has bet its Toughbook business on Windows-based systems, and Panasonic is gearing up for the Windows 7 launch on October 22. According to a notice on Panasonic’s Web site:
“Panasonic will begin offering Windows 7 as an option at the time of Microsoft’s release of the new operating system, expected in Oct. 2009. All Toughbook computers available today are fully compatible with the Windows 7 operating system.”
The Linux Connection