PC MechWarrior Online

Previsivel. Eu achei estranho eles voltarem a licenciar os unseens, tendo em conta o que se passou com a Harmony Gold. Tambem acho estranho "ninguem da Catalyst Game Labs saber do acordo", visto que o Randal Bills já é o director/trabalha no Battletech à muito tempo. Mas enfim... advogados lol
After two years’ of near-total silence about the fate of the Mechwarrior reboot, Piranha Games have announced Mechwarrior Online, a free-to-play, team-based multiplayer BattleMech sim. It’s also going to tell the story of the Battletech universe in real-time, starting from just before the Clan Invasion of 3050. Each day, players will do battle on behalf of the universe’s major factions, and each day in the game will represent a single day’s action in the fictional Inner Sphere. It will go live in the second half of 2012.

Mechwarrior Online (MWO) might be free-to-play, but MWO Creative Director Bryan Ekman and Piranha President Russ Bullock insist this is going to be a proper Mechwarrior game in the tradition of Mechwarrior 2 through 4, not a successor to the Xbox action game Mech Assault. Ekman says joystick support is a strong probability, and both call this a Mech sim.

“I think it’s really the Mechwarrior you know,” Bullock says. “It’s fully first-person. It’s not a new interpretation. We’re modernizing things a little bit, I think we’ll get to those questions, but certainly it’s Mechwarrior.”

Another major part of the game is customization and organizing into mercenary units, Ekman explains.

“Players will be able to band together in the format of a lance, which is four, and they’ll be able to band together as a mercenary corporation for hire. That’s not unlike a guild. We have a whole editor and mercenary HQ for players to explore that allows them to customize the look and feel of their corporation, their membership, the structure of how they enter battle, the lances, their names, ranks, and all kinds of things.”

However, in some very real ways, this is not the Mechwarrior you remember. And it’s a good thing, too, because Ekman and Piranha games have some very exciting ideas for how to make Mechwarrior more of a tactical sim and less of a shooter.

“One of our core pillars is what we call ‘information warfare,’” Ekman explains. “Which basically boils down to controlling the flow of information on the battlefield. Whether it be your own information, or the information of your enemies. We want to make gameplay be less about an arms race, where you start in a light Mech but you really want to get into an assault Mech, because it’s the best thing there is.”

The matches themselves will support multiple teams and multiple four-person squads (“lances” in Mechwarrior parlance). The primary focus will be Conquest mode, which will allow for more tactics and teamwork, but there will also be a variety of deathmatch modes available.

Ekman also promises that while players will be able to buy items with real money, nobody can buy anything that will confer a tactical advantage. “Anything that would affect or give your a tactical advantage, you can’t purchase with real cash. You have to earn that by playing the game,” he says.

Mechwarrior online features multiple upgrade paths, both for Mechs and pilots, but it should not be too complicated. As Bullock says, “If someone has played a combination of Mechwarrior, Call of Duty, and Diablo in their gaming life, they’re going to have seen everything that we’re offering for the most part.”

Mechwarrior online, in keeping with the original games, will feature a variety of maps set across different environments and climates. In a universe where heat plays such a major role, with Mechs overheating from weapons fire and local temperature, that means different weather will make for very different tactics.

But big difference from previous games will be urban combat. “One of the things we can do these days that previous games weren’t able to do well is urban combat,” Ekman says. “And it’s a cornerstone of MWO, this ability to actually fight in detailed urban settings.”

You can find out more info from the official website: mwomercs.com. You should also stick around PC Gamer today for exclusive interviews with Ekman and Bullock, as they explain what happened these past two years, and go into detail about what Mechwarrior Online will be.

Talvez devessemos dar o benefício da dúvida e quando o jogo sair, tirar as conclusões.

Começa logo por F2P 99% do tempo não ter a qualidade necessária pra satisfazer um jogo desta envergadura. E depois não gosto de pagar por virtual items. Nop, com o orçamento reduzido que vão ter vai ser como jogar um mod, em termos de qualidade, e sendo freemium vai ser pay 2 win. Todos os developers dizem que não, e depois é.

Tanta esperança por um verdadeiro MW5... enfim. Esta industria tá totalmente "Hollywood-esca", é só indies ou mega-budgets e ninguem no meio se safa.
Começa logo por F2P 99% do tempo não ter a qualidade necessária pra satisfazer um jogo desta envergadura. E depois não gosto de pagar por virtual items. Nop, com o orçamento reduzido que vão ter vai ser como jogar um mod, em termos de qualidade, e sendo freemium vai ser pay 2 win. Todos os developers dizem que não, e depois é.

Tanta esperança por um verdadeiro MW5... enfim. Esta industria tá totalmente "Hollywood-esca", é só indies ou mega-budgets e ninguem no meio se safa.

Infelizmente tem sido costume isso acontecer. Well one can only hope xD

Vou seguindo o desenvolvimento a esperar pelo melhor mas guardo também algumas desconfianças quanto ao modelo que escolheram.

Preferia que fosse algo como foram os anteriores. Chegar à loja, pagar o jogo e jogar à vontade.

Para mim o jogo morreu. Não tenho paciência nem especialmente tempo para estar na net a aturar jogos desse estilo.

Se fosse uma campanha SP como deve ser e depois um MP era algo que me interessava (só ia mesmo fazer a campanha mas percebo que ninguém lança nada sem MP).
Pois, era o que eu queria também... Uma bela campanha em single player!

Para tal, estou a ver que só reinstalando o Mech 4 ou o Mercenaries. Mas já estão um pouco desactualizados...

Pena! :(
Pois, era o que eu queria também... Uma bela campanha em single player!

Para tal, estou a ver que só reinstalando o Mech 4 ou o Mercenaries. Mas já estão um pouco desactualizados...

Pena! :(

Desactualizados mas still fun xD Ainda para mais agora com 100 mechs usáveis também na campanha ^^


MechWarrior Online not 'Pay-2-Win'
The developer promises that the F2P model will enable live metrics, iterating updates quickly, and easily testing new content with players.
"I'm not going to lie, some things can and will allow you to acquire items faster, or even instantly with real cash," creative director Bryan Ekman confessed in a blog post. However, he insisted, buying better gear will not necessarily bring an advantage.
"We're doing away with the arms race and making BattleMechs of all shapes and sizes have a purpose and role on the battlefield," Ekman said. Scout or commander, rich or poor, in theory you can have a hoot no matter what you're piloting.
And, of course, there's the obvious benefit of not having to buy a game you may turn out not to play that much.
É feito pelo Alex Iglesias, alias está uma entrevista com ele no site deles. Eu trabalhei com ele quando ele andava a estudar, faziamos mods de battletech juntamente com mais pessoal. É um excelente mech artist.

Em relação a este jogo... como disse, meh. F2P não me interessa. E o Hawken, apesar de estar muito interessado nele, não me dá vibe nenhuma de Mechs a serio, a jogabilidade parece mais de battle armors. Pouca costumização, power-ups, Mechs pequenos, jogabilidade em mapas pequenos e rapidos em vez de tactica... parece mais um tribes lento do que um mech sim.