Microsoft Develops DirectX Physics


Power Member
Microsoft Works on Direct Physics Engine for GPUs.
Microsoft Develops DirectX Physics

Microsoft Corp. is planning to develop a universal application programming interface (API) for physics processing on graphics processing units (GPUs). The API will become a part of DirectX and may revolutionize physics effects in computer games by offering game developers a universal technology.

The world’s largest software maker has posted a job proposal for programmers, who will develop Direct Physics technology that will process physics computing on GPUs. The team will be primarily responsible for working closely with our Direct3D team, helping to define, develop and map optimized simulation and collision algorithms onto data structures that are optimized for the GPU, according to the proposal.

It is interesting to note that Microsoft intends to process physics solely on GPUs, not specially designed physics processing units (PPU) or multi-core central processing units (CPUs). Theoretically, it means that Microsoft shares vision of Havok with its Havok FX engine that allows computing physics effects using GPU power. This may pose some threat to Ageia, who is pushing its own environment for physics processing along with its hardware PhysX approach.

It remains to be seen, when Microsoft unveils its Direct Physics technology, as Havok FX, Havok 4 and Ageia physics engines are already here and are to be utilized by game developers, while it is not certain, whether the first release of the DirectX 10, due to be available in early 2007, will feature any enhancements for physics.

The fact that Microsoft is working on a special API for physics proves that real time, accurate simulation of physics are key parts of the next generation gaming experience.

A Microsoft parece que vai pegar nas fisicas e por ordem nisto. Sendo assim e visto que vai correr nas GPU´s ja nao dou muito futuro quer á AGeia quer á Havock FX. Estas tao no mercado, mas ainda com pouco ou nenhum aproveitamento.

Se lançar a API e a lançar ou ate mesmo integrar no Direct_x10 logo com á saida do Vista em Janeiro de 2007 seria perfeito :D
A microsoft vai "por ordem nisto"? Se vai lançar uma API nova que não tem nada a ver com a da AGEIA ou a da Havok então vai mas é contribuir para o caos.. Vamos ter 3 APIs ao mesmo tempo no mercado e os developers vão ter que andar a escolher entre as 3..
Não sei se a AGEIA é uma empresa cotada em bolsa mas se este é um anúncio público gostava de ver a evolução das cotações...
Todas as outras APIs de física tem simplesmente os dias contadas. Se fosse à AGEIA tentava fazer lobby ou em entrar em algum acordo com a Microsoft para tornar a API não-específica.
Para a ATI e a nVidia é que a coisa segue do melhor
nothing disse:
Com o poder que tem duvido que os developers escolham uma das outras 2. :)
Pois, é mesmo essa a logica que me parece que vai acontecer.
E como dizem que é possivel que integrem as fisicas logo no Direct_X10 em Janeiro no lançamento do Vista será certamente um sucesso. E pelos vistos vai correr sobre as GPU´s nao sendo necessario uma placa extra ou sli/crossfire.
Axo que a arquitectura unificada vai beneficiar imenso desta tecnologia.
Pelo que me tinham informado, as instruções da AGEIA iriam ser incluidas no DirectX 10.

Provavelmente estavam em negociações apenas.

Vamos lá ver no que vai dar isto.
DJ_PAPA disse:
Pois, é mesmo essa a logica que me parece que vai acontecer.
E como dizem que é possivel que integrem as fisicas logo no Direct_X10 em Janeiro no lançamento do Vista será certamente um sucesso. E pelos vistos vai correr sobre as GPU´s nao sendo necessario uma placa extra ou sli/crossfire.
Axo que a arquitectura unificada vai beneficiar imenso desta tecnologia.

Caso não saibas, o HavokFX também não precisa de uma placa extra em SLI/Crossfire...

Para todos os efeitos, a API da MS é puramente GPU-based:

The Windows Graphics and Gaming Technology group is looking for a software design engineer to join a growing team responsible for developing Direct Physics. This team is responsible for delivering a great leap forwards in the way game developers think about integrating Physics into their engines. . . . You will be a member of the core engine team who will be primarily responsible for working closely with our Direct3D team, helping to define, develop and map optimized simulation and collision algorithms onto data structures that are optimized for the GPU.

Outra coisa, vocês devem ter ouvido falar da AGEIA numa notícia sobre a Microsoft recentemente porque esta última lançou um novo kit de programação para robótica, cuja parte de processamento de física usa tecnologias da primeira, inclusivé aproveitando hardware da AGEIA caso esteja presente:
Última edição:
Microsoft set to produce its own Physics API
Analysis DirectX to cause Havok

MICROSOFT IS attempting to recruit a physics-experienced coder for its DirectX team, in an attempt to add what it calls, "great leap forwards in the way game developers think about integrating physics into their engines" to its application interface.

It could be argued that any addition to its SDK could purely be based around adding simple physics, running via a system's traditional CPU, to further enhance Microsoft's rapidly growing DirectX /XNA portfolio for game developers. However, the job spec specifically states that the post entails work, "that is optimized for the GPU", meaning that Microsoft may be aiming to displace the current players within the burgeoning GPU-based physics API/SDK market.

It remains to be seen whether this late entry will have room to become a significant player. Both ATi and NVidia have announced varying levels of support for the Havok engine and proprietary hardware in the form of the PhysX chip from Ageia has already been released, albeit to a luke-warm reception (except, perhaps, from our Fudo. Ed).

Interestingly, it seems Microsoft has a fairly good working relationship with Ageia. Its most recent 'Rise Of Nations' game release (under the Microsoft Game Studios banner) utilised the Ageia PhysX API, among other licencing partnerships. Its recent Robotics initiative is also thought to be utilising some licence agreement with Ageia.

Havok is also no stranger to dealing with Microsoft - various XBox and XBox 360 SDKs have been released and utilised in many existing games, along with other middleware based upon Microsoft's XNA program.

The job spec points to both Havoc and Ageia experience - it could be that either technology has been licensed to ensure a quick delivery of a late-to-market product.

The current state of the hardware-based-physics market is fractured and immature. ATI is producing a three-slot on-GPU Cross-Fire offering for its Havoc-based physics offering. NVidia is also keen to offer a Havoc-based on-GPU physics product, and as stated, Ageia has its own SDK and product.

Various middleware offerings from competing companies and vendors along with the current slew of these GPU/PPU manufacturers announcing hardware-based product, is analogous to the graphics-card/GPU market in its early infancy. Various products supporting varying APIs, forced game developers to choose from one specific API/manufacturer several years before their game's release, causing great risk to the game-developing-company if it chose the least successful product.

Enter Microsoft, with its new DirectX architecture, allowing software to choose to ignore the underlying hardware and write to one unifying interface. DirectX has from inception grown from strength to strength, and is now utilised by the vast majority of PC-based games.

Even considering Microsoft's fairly late entry to this segment of market development, this is undoubtedly what will happen to the physics market too. µ

E a Microsoft ta a contratar engenheiros para a area das fisicas:

Candidatem-se :D