XBOX Microsoft Gaming

E o Halo: Infinite, outro excelente exemplo.

Mas o Halo Infinite teve a vantagem que foi muito bem recebido pela critica, o principal problema do jogo é o pouco conteúdo que tem sido adicionado. Já o Forspoken é simplesmente mau, a todos os níveis.

E o Halo: Infinite, outro excelente exemplo.

O Infinite foi apresentado 3 anos antes,e nao é uma banhada em termos do jogo base. O problema é o suporte que um jogo do genero necessita nao está a materializar.Mas a base do jogo está lá,tanto multiplayer como single player.

Mesmo o Forspoken nao encaixa.Qualidade ,isso é subjectivo e varia de pessoa para pesdoa. Mas o jogo foi apresentado em 2020,era para sair em 2022 e acabou por sair em 2023. 3 anos.

Querem falar de 5 e 6 anos depois de anuncio,falem do Skull&Bones e Beyond Good&Evil 2. E mesmo esses,vamos como é a qualidade.

Estás muito confiante, já se vê na Stream de logo o que dizem mais, mas do que me parece ainda há trabalho a fazer, do que percebi de Gameplay ainda só mostraram 2 ou 3 pistas e 1 delas já vem da E3, ainda deve haver muita otimização pela frente.

Eles sao mais certos que a 343,nunca ouvimos falar de rumores de adiamentos,está marcado para este semestre desde o Verao passado,tiveram mais que tempo para desenolvimento tendo em conta a cadência anterior deles.
Porra,que razoes há para nao estar cá fora mais tardar Junho?

Quotes copiadas da Resetera

activision acquisition:
I'm more confident now than I was a year ago, simply based on the information I have and the discussions that we've been having.

some quotes:

Hi-fi Rush shadowdrop:
Yeah, the shadow drop, it seems like it worked really well this time. It's not a thing we've done a ton of. This was an idea from the team. They'd been playing the game, felt good about their launch date and some of the early signals on quality, and said, "Hey, it would just be fun. It would just be fun to be able to launch this during the Developer Direct and say, 'Play it now.'" So we rolled with that. We're always learning, always listening, and it seems like the community's responding well, which I think is a good signal.

Forza delay:
I know there were some questions on the date on Forza Motorsport, because we just revealed the year. Everybody should know just the quality that Turn 10 puts into Motorsport, if you look historically, is going to be there in this game. That's the thing that, first and foremost, is most important, and we will come out with a date, no doubt when we're a little bit closer. But we just wanted to reaffirm to people that this is a 2023 game.

underpeformance of xbox/ slowing gamepass growth:
Well, one thing with Game Pass is we're kind of in unchartered territory in doing what we're doing with Game Pass in the industry. So it's harder for us to go out there and look at examples to help us gauge how fast we should be growing. We're at an all-time high for paid subscribers, and Game Pass, it continues to grow. I'm happy with the growth. We set high internal targets, and people see sometimes we miss those targets, sometimes we hit them, but I'll always be ambitious about what we're trying to do.

I'd say the quarter numbers that you're talking about with software and of the things to remember is that's a year-over-year comparison. Last year in that quarter, we had Age of Empires, we had Forza Horizon 5, we had Halo Infinite. All of those did really well for us, and as we pointed out, we didn't have that big release in that same quarter of this year.

layoffs (full quote):
As somebody who's been on Xbox for an awful long time, it's always a challenge whenever a coworker...a team member is not going to be on the journey with us going forward. I take to heart the impact on individuals. I see my commitment and my responsibility as the person who heads the business to create a safe place where people can do their best work. And obviously, we have reductions for certain people there. I haven't succeeded at that.

My commitment is to the business, to the customers, to the teams. I think running a successful business is part of creating a stable place for our team members. The long-term vision that we have on Xbox of building our experience around the player, allowing creators to build games that can reach players on any screen that they want to go play, giving players different ways to build their library, whether it's buying their games, subscribing to their games, looking at access like xCloud and the work that we do on PC. I'm a strong believer in that vision.

Right now, there's some business that we're having to work through, and part of that is making sure that we have the right resources in the right places to do the best work. Sometimes, that means we have to make some allocations, in this case, some reductions, and I don't take that lightly, because the impact on the individuals is real. But it is, I think, important for us, for the larger organization that's here, that I put this business in the best stable position I can for what we need to go forward, which in the end should create a better place for the great team members that are here building the things that they're building.
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343 situation:
At the same time, when we launched that game, we know we needed to make some commitments to people about the content updates and our timing on those and the quality, and we didn't hit our own bar for doing that. I believe in the team that's there, Pierre and the leadership team, and the plan that they have. Obviously, [343 studio head Pierre Hintze], he's the studio head now, has been on Halo for a long time. He's worked on [Halo: The Master Chief Collection, he's done some great work there. The team has a very good plan.

What we're doing now is we want to make sure that leadership team is set up with the flexibility to build the plan that they need to go build. And Halo will remain critically important to what Xbox is doing, and 343 is critically important to the success of Halo.

In terms of support studios and other things, that's just part of development and having other partners help us. But the heart and soul of Halo is with 343 and the team that's there, and I have the utmost confidence in the team that's there and leading and the plan that they have going forward.
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Given a year ago, for me, I didn't know anything about the process of doing an acquisition like this. The fact that I have more insight, more knowledge about what it means to work with the different regulatory boards, I'm more confident now than I was a year ago, simply based on the information I have and the discussions that we've been having.
So my confidence remains high. We're actively working with the regulatory boards around the world that need to approve for this, and it's been a learning experience for me. A lot of time spent, a lot of travel, a lot of conversations, but they're conversations where I get to talk about our industry and the work that we do and why we do it. I think the more regulators are informed about what gaming is, how the business runs, who the players are, and what our aspiration is as Team Xbox is just a good thing for the industry itself.