Microsoft to Offer Patches to U.S. Govt. First


Power Member
"Microsoft Corp. is to give the U.S. government priority in fixing security holes in Windows and other software, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.
Under a plan to take effect later this year, Microsoft will give the U.S. Air Force versions of software "patches" to fix serious security vulnerabilities up to a month before they are available to others, the paper said.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will give advance notice of problems to other government agencies and distribute patches to them, the Journal said, citing officials at Microsoft and the White House's Office of Management and Budget."

by mail :P
8o Se isto é mesmo verdade, espero bem que os outros clientes da M$ leiam esta notícia, tenham os neurónios a funcionar e pensem com que tipo de empresa dormem todos os dias. Porque diabo o governo, forças armadas, etc, dos EUA, deverão ter um tratamento preferencial em relação aos governos e forças armadas de outros países que também paguem pelo privilégio (?) de serem clientes da M$?

Sinceramente, quase que não acredito nesta notícia (convinha ter um link para ser mais credível; se chegou por email, dizer quem o enviou) porque acho que é mais um tiro no pé do Bill.
Microsoft Corp. is to give the U.S. government priority in fixing security holes in Windows and other software, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. Under a plan to take effect later this year, Microsoft will give the U.S. Air Force versions of software "patches" to fix serious security vulnerabilities up to a month before they are available to others, the paper said.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will give advance notice of problems to other government agencies and distribute patches to them, the Journal said, citing officials at Microsoft and the White House's Office of Management and Budget.

Fonte: Reuters

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